Chapter 3 (Edited)

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All Character Belong To Their Respective Creator As I Do Not Own Any Of Them.


In A Dormitory Hallway

"How did you know that anyway? I saw the intruder destroy the security camera last night." Ritsuka asked and confessed to Theresa.

"Hehe, it's true the magus have destroyed the camera. But the school have some familiar ready in case the camera got destroyed." She said with a bird made out of wire suddenly flying down the hallway making all of them to look at it.

"I see. In case of the destruction of the camera, the school have prepared some Angel's Poem as a security measure." He said coming to that conclusion remembering the use of the bird.

"If you afraid that I'll tell the Overseer about you, don't worry. St. Freya is independent and don't always got any visit from the Headquarter." She said assuring that she will never tell Otto about him.

"But who are you?" Theresa asked with a serious tone. "Even though Magus sometime arrogant, they at least able to fend themselves off and the intruder got many homunculus with them." She said recounting the incident happened last night.

"But not only you able to fend yourself off, your Projection is akin to the First Herrscher ability." She said without realising that she has giving off a clue about the First Herrscher ability to him.

'I see, the First Magic is used by the First Herrscher. How ironic that the First is the same.' He thought before Theresa continued talking.

"But there's no way that you're the Herrscher as the First Herrscher gem is lost. According to the rumor that is." She said removing any thought that Ritsuka is a Herrscher.

'Ehhh. I want to take a little look on the gem.' He thought sadden that he couldn't examine it.

"But something bothering me, how did you make the magus disappeared anyway? I saw you two standing there and then they disappeared into the dark." She continued questioning him on how the Yggdmilllennia disappeared.

"About that,..." He said before a portal opened up and spit out the bodies of all mages minus the butchered one which had some frost on them surprising Theresa and Mei. "I just moved them somewhere in South Pole. I want to confirm something but I forgotten all about it." He honestly said shocking both of them.

"So you're telling me that not only that you can create ice out of nothingness like the Fifth Herrscher, you also capable of teleportation. Even a freelancer has some reputation but somehow you don't have any even with your magecraft. Who are you anyway!?" Theresa said after recovering from the shock.

"In my defense, it's a pain to remember small detail. I'm not used to throw the body out, I would have just burn them there if not this place have people." He answered missing the whole point causing Theresa to have a headache.

"So what do you want to do with them? I only got them out to prove you this, but I have no used for them." He said referring to the mage.

"Hey, don't change the subject!" Theresa said before holding her head and sighed. "Forget it. I just want them to be gone. I don't want any mage from the damn Clock Tower swarming the place." She said giving up to understand Ritsuka.

"Okay then." He said before making the mages disappeared. The scene then changes to some junkyard with the body landed on the trash.

Timeskip (Because I want to move on the story). Ritsuka POV

Fate/Grand Order : Order of The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora