2: 'Blessings' from the gods

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Nico's Pov:

Zeus looked at me with distaste. "Well, let's get it over with." The other gods murmured with agreement. Well, all but Hades who just recently appeared and was now fixing Zeus with a glare of disapproval for his actions.

Zeus stood up first. "With this blessing i allow you to go into my domain without me striking you down. Also you have a pair wings now that you can hide." I grunted as large black wings spread from my back. The tips of the feathers faded into a beautiful dark gold. My wing span was about ten feet. Big wings basically.

Poseidon stood up. "You are allowed in my domain and you can breathe  underwater. You also can also shape shift."

Then Hera stood up next. "You may read people's minds if you focus on them, and i cannot interfere with your life. Also Hecate asked me to give you a bit of mist manipulation so here your go." Hera said, looking me in the eyes.

Next came Aphrodite. "You look AMAZING in anything you wear, and you will be able to have a bit of charm speak!" She squealed excitedly.

Then Ares stood. "You can master any weapon, and you can also activate the blessing of Ares." He grunted looking bored.

(A\N: I'm just going to list the blessings from now on because I'm far to lazy to add the extra stuff....)

Apollo: better at healing and can play any instrument, can also sing like Apollo. (Triggering emotions through music\singing.)

Artemis: the wolf glare, a quiver full of silver arrows that are guaranteed to hit their target, and a silver bow for the silver arrows.

Demeter: can grow plants at will, and being able to summon cereal. (For the not eating enough problem.)

Hephaestus: good with machines, immune to burns.

Dionysus: able to drive people insane, and bring back sanity. Also able to not get drunk easily. (No, there will be no drinking alcohol in this book, so no worries about that!)

Athena: better at battle strategy and architecture. (Idk what else for her.)

Hermes: able to turn invisible for ten minutes (for stealing) and can come up with ingenious pranks.

Then Hades finally stood up. "Nico. Now that you have all of your other gifts, it is time for me to give you your final blessing. You have a new ability called soul searching that you can use to sense what someone's identity is. You will not get as tired from shadow travel and from summoning skeletons. Also...here."

Hades handed me a small black cat. I stared dumbly at Hades. "Do you want him?" He asked doubt flickering through his eyes.

"Of corse I do!" I grabbed the cat out of his hands joyfully and stroked its back as it curled up in my arm. "How did you know that cats are my favorite animal?" I asked, still staring at the little cat. 

Hades snorted. "You expect me, your father, to not at least know your favorite animal?"

"Uhhh I guess not..."

"Well that's your new cat his name is Echo. He is like Small Bob, a Saber Tooth Tiger." 


: lol. I forgot what they are actually called so I'm just calling them saber tooth tigers!!)

"Thank you all." I whisper still petting Echo. The gods all look at me nervously. "Wait. No. Let me guess... there is a twist?" I say, glaring accusingly at the King of the gods.

"Yes." He responds.

"Ughhh." I groan. "Why is there always a TWIST!"

"It's so you can have an attempt at a partially normal, mortal life!" Zeus barked at me standing from his throne again, clearly annoyed. He gets annoyed easily.

"What? Tell me how you plan to achieve this?"

"We are going to make your physical body younger, and send you to Gotham  city."

"BUT WHY!?" I shout irritated about my situation. "Gotham is the most dangerous city in the world!"

"BECAUSE THERE IS A FAMILY I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MEET!" Zeus growls at me. "No excuses!" He snaps his fingers and Olympus fades from view.

ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!! Hey my Minions! Tell me what you think is gonna happen next!!(Other than Nico having extreme rage issues, we all know THATS gonna happen.) I should be posting at least once a week, likely more because i love this story all ready! Love you all!❤️


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