Chapter 1: I hate you

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A/N: (I hate the book cover so much, it looks like Liana has a huge scar on her face! 😭And you probably can't see it, but Shaballa has the whole bakery going on, I think that's what Liana was staring at. 💀💀💀💀💀Okay, I'm done. Move along and get reading!)

~3rd POV~

Liana has awoken from the sound of her alarm clock. She pounded it aggressively and got up groggily. She rolled out of bed and got dressed for work. Ugh, Mondays are the worst. I can't believe I have to wake up and work in this fucking hellhole of a military or whatever they call it. She mentally complained. She stormed out of her house and drove off to the base.

~Liana's POV~

To lighten up my mood, I turned on the radio and blasted death metal because it fits my mood right now. "Everyday I'm feeling like SHIT!!!" I started singing along with the song. Well, it's more like screaming than singing. I could scream in death metal like a champ even though I sound like a dying rubber chicken.

~30 minutes later~

As I walked through the entrance, who do I see? IT'S SANS! Just kidding, it's just the janitor, Maxwell. I know, I'm funny. (No you're not). "Well, well. Look who it is." I greeted Max with a welcoming tone. He turned around to face me and just nodded. Yeah, he's not much of a talker. 

I don't think anyone has ever heard Maxwell utter a single word. I don't know how the boss communicates with this guy when he's mute. Not that I'm against that. Anyways, I walked towards the locker room to get changed. When I was finished, I went to search for my boss to see what his order were.

I knocked on the main office door to see if he was there. "Come in." I heard a deep voice inviting me in. I walked in to see my boss sitting there. As menacing as he is, I puffed out my chest proudly and saluted to show my respect. "Sir, good morning, sir. I await your orders, sir." I said in a monotone voice. In the military, you got to not only salute to show your respect to your general, but you also got to use the term 'sir' in your sentences most of the time. 

"You will be scouting the base borderlines and guarding it. I have caught several men from the opposite team sneaking into our base for whatever reason, and I do NOT want that happening again. Go out there and show these ass kissers we're not to be fucked with! Oh and before you go, please do not fuck this up again. Or else..." General Moushal commanded (pronounced Mo-shul). "Sir, yes sir." I responded. "Good. You are dismissed." He calmly said and spent around in his wheelchair. 

I then marched out of his office and respectfully closed the door behind me. The thing about being a commander is that I get to supervise the troops in battle when the general isn't present. I mean, I don't get to be his right hand gal for nothing even though I get rambunctious at times. I'm surprised I get to keep this job after the amount of times I've caused trouble. 

As I got to the borderline, I took my time to look around to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Okay, I don't see anything special going on at the enemy border. All I see are people walking around over there. I thought to myself. Huh. Why would our enemies be sneaking into our base? They must be really stupid if they think they could pull a heist off behind our backs.

I looked to my left to see my comrades doing their jobs. Some are conversating amongst themselves as they guard our side of the border. I looked to the right to see a certain someone catching a couple of winks. I sighed annoyingly and marched towards him with a scowl. I then kicked his legs to wake him up. "Ahem! Slacking off, are we now, Garfield?" I put my hands on my hips. 

He looked up at me with a nervous expression. "I-uh... No?" I didn't look too convinced with his plea, if I could even call it that. "What do you think this is? This isn't naptime! God, it's like you're in kindergarten. Stand up and get back to work!" I commanded. Garfield nodded quickly and scampered up to his feet. I was tired, too, but you don't see me napping on the job. Ain't nobody got time for that! Especially when you're in the military for crying out loud.

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