(I keep using Small Might but he is healed, so now the name refers to his pre-injury powered down form since he's still conserving his energy)

"That's... Actually a good idea". Aizawa replies, surprised that the blonde buffoon came up with such an idea.

"I agree. It not only ensures that the other students can be judged fairly, but the lawyers can't say the test was rigged as young Bakugo now actually technically has an advantage in the test". Nezu explains.

"Now just two things remain, who will partner with Bakugo and where do we get civilians"? Snipe asks, his American accent syncing perfectly with the Japanese language, Toshinori was so jealous of the cowboy.

"I believe I know just the people to ask". Small Might states with a smile.

"This years finals are going to be very interesting". Nezu thought to himself with a scary grin stretching across his face.

—Class 1A: classroom—

After the 2 weeks of prep time had elapsed, the day had come, the day of the first year finals. The class had a lot riding on this, after they'd been told about their finals and Aizawa gel asleep Midnight informed them that there'd a summer camp for everyone who passed, and summer school for those who failed. Naturally this caused the 'less academically inclined', read: dumber, to being panicking even more than they originally where, causing them to knuckle down and get their revision done.

During each test, tensions where high. Each student had tests based on their majors, heroics, and for the trio an extra one on support equipment.

But not only did each major have a written test, but some had practical tests too, just like the heroics course.

English and Japanese only had written portions, two booklets filled with questions. Two 8-markers, two 16-markers, and a one 32-marker per booklet. The entirety of the English booklet was written in English and required the tester to write their answers in English, the same was true for the Japanese booklet except it was all in and required Japanese.

Mathematics also only had a written portion, a calculator booklet and a non-calculator booklet. Each had 50 questions each worry a variety of points.

Art history had both a written and practical element for those who chose it. The written portion required the tester to pick between three pieces of art from history and wrote about their origin, context, significance, purpose, and place on modern society. Whilst the practical portion gave the testers 3 hours to create a piece of heroic art.

History was another test that had only a written portion. It covered the first 50 years of quirks in Japan with two 8 markers, two 16 markers, and a single 64 marker.

Support had a both a written and practical test, though the practical had actually begun 1 week ago. The written portion was rather straightforward, 60 questions on: workplace safety, marketing, material science and engineering, and lastly economics. The practical had, as mentioned previously, begun a week ago, to allow the students to create a new piece of support equipment or a new device. Many of the other support students threw their backs out making their practical pieces, the trio however had a backlog of equipment blueprints to create so chose one each. Melissa created a new type of super-strong artificial muscle she called 'myomer' (I recently read a bunch of Battletech and Armoured core lore), Mei showed off a new moisture collector for arid and desert environments, and lastly Izuku presented a stable hydrogen fuel cell he said would be perfect for vehicles like cars and trains. This naturally caused the other support students to simultaneously feel envious and proud.

Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and Dirty Hands {on hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now