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All I want to do is go home and fall asleep.
But my dad's won't be home until midnight so that leaves me with a 5 year old, a six year old, and a 4 year old to feed help with homework and get to bed. On top of doing my own homework for my AP classes. This is gonna be fun.

Oh shoot sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Maxine, but everyone calls me max. I am 15 and in the 9th grade. I am the middle child of seven. I have 2 dads. I call them Dad and papa. I have 6 other siblings, 3 boys 3 girls. In order it goes...
Jacob (dad)= 42
Noah (brother1)=21
Carson(brother2)=18(lilys twin)
Lily(sister 1)= 18(Carson's twin)
Mia(sister 2)= 6
Tyler (brother 3)=5
Bailey(sister 3)=4

And that is how my family goes. We don't have any grandparents cause on both my dads side they didn't agree with the way they love.

But as a kid before all my younger siblings were born, my parents never left me alone. And I loved it as a kid. I had 2 big brothers who protected me and a sister who lovers me and dressed me up like a princess. But then my younger siblings were born and I was left in the dust. They never talked to me took care of me or protected me. The first time I got into a fight I was left out most of the night cause I hit my head on a rock and passed out. When I got home they didn't even know I was gone.

That was the first time I believed that they didn't love me. And ever since then, I never tried to lean on them for support.

Max (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now