Chapter 7: Orpheus - Che Fargo

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"That's it?" Lucy laughs, turning to the last page. We're sitting on the cold bleachers of a soccer field. She invited me to come and see the match.
"Yeah," I smile, "What you don't like it?"
"You can't end it like that, not knowing if he ever sees them again, that's sad," she says.
"Yeah but you don't know if he does or doesn't, or if it was a hallucination or if it was real, and if so, he's okay," I say.
"I still think you need to give it a happier ending," Lucy says, "I wanted them to end up together."
"Well I'm glad you ship them, but, ambiguity is good sometimes," I say, smiling.
"Think about a happier ending," she says.
"Okay, for you," I say, "You get your essay back yet?"
"No, not until Friday," she says, checking her phone, "That's my mom."
"Okay, email me," I say, as she hugs me around the chest.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" She asks, frowning. Tomorrow is my birthday.
"A friend is meeting me to walk on the beach and talk about poems by dead people, so very uplifting," I say, shaking her shoulder.
"Ooo, girlfriend?"
"Shy friend, go on now, don't want your mom to worry," I say, smiling
"See you next week," she says, bouncing up, "Bring Brontë next time!"
"Yeah, I will," I smile, "See you next week."

The end

Till the storm passesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें