Familiar names. (Ghost - 💧)

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"This will stop the moment you tell me what it is you know." Ghosts voice was cold and emotionless, like we was working on autopilot, striking the feeble body in front of him with no hesitation. He was a calculated man, taking pride in the pain he could cause whilst keeping his victims conscious.

"Please... I know nothing." Blood dripped from the girls face, her hands were cuffed to a pipe above her head leaving her whole body vulnerable to ghosts manipulation. She had been there for hours, but it felt like it had been eternities, her fate lied in the hands of ghosts mercy, and even the devil would be kinder.

He sighed; He was bored. The sadistic joy he found in his work was thwarted by the pathetic nature of the woman before him. He found enjoyment in breaking people down, uncovering the innate and primal natures that are kept hidden beneath their humanity. The girl had stayed docile, aside the whimpers and yelps of pain there was nothing.

"They trained you well. Too well..." his voice was low yet remained cold and stern, he considered his choices, he needed to break her. He moved closer gripping her chin in his hand and forcing her to look at him. The fire still burnt in her eyes, she still seemed to have hope that she would remain vigilant beneath his hand.

"I do not know anything. I do not have any information for you, Simon." Ghosts eyes flashed with rage and excitement, she was giving him a reason to really hurt her. A sadistic grin crept beneath the mask on his face, his movements were slow and he let go of her chin, turning away.

Before the girl had time to realize it, a fist was colliding with her stomach, ghost moved quick, the sound of skin against skin echoing through the dingy room followed by a cry of pain. Vomit mixed with the blood pouring from her mouth onto her chest, she was humiliated at her condition. The mess she'd become from the man before her. Anger bubbled within her but she was unable to fight back. Her body was weak and she was restrained.

"Who. Are you." He moved so close that she could feel his breath against her skin. When he got no reply he landed another punch against the supple skin of her torso. She sharply inhaled, raising her eyes to meet his gaze. "Private Hetzen. I am private Hetzen sir."

Something broke in both of them. In Hetzen it was her spirit, but in ghost it was something much deeper. Like the mention of that name had shattered a jar of superseded memories and feelings in him, sending them pouring loose.

His mind took him back, back to a few years ago. A new girl had joined task force 141, for such a violent job she was always so sweet, she had touched a part of ghosts heart and left a whisper of her name to linger there. When she'd disappeared, a piece of ghost left with her and he prayed that if he ever found her again, he'd protect her like he promised and never let her come to harm again. Private Hetzen. This was her. She was back.

Ghost dropped his fist to his side, the cruel demeanor never broke but he was shocked. Hetzen had let him hurt her, let him do this and not said a word. Her once muscular frame was now feeble and thin, her eyes and cheeks sunken. The short dark hair now lighter and far longer. But her eyes, they were the same. The same brown doe eyes looked up at ghost, pleading with no words. That same look as the day she was taken. How did he not recognize her.

"I told you. I have no information. I did not side with them, I was taken captive by them. And when I managed to escape, the last thing I thought.." she coughed, splatters of blood landing on ghosts clothing. "Was that I'd end up here."

A heavy silence fell between them. Ghost had just been following the orders he was given by his superiors, he had no choice but to do this. But the promise he made, those years ago, that he'd never let her be harmed haunted him. He had been the one to harm her. Her blood was coating his mask and his fists, wounds covering her entire body, suspended before him.

No. He can't let feelings get in the way. They both had died and been reborn as new people in those years apart. He wasn't going to let his feelings for her get in the way of his work. He picked up a small knife from the tray beside him. He had no choice but to carry on with his task.


AN: this was kinda shit but slay yk. I didn't wanna let him be soft, maybe there can be a part two and he can cave but yk. More fun to be evil :)

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