I got a medical scholarship at Oxford University which I applied to when I got my final A+ results for the senior degree, le bac, bacaloriate, 12th grade degree, whatever, you name it.

I was one of the very few who made it through the first year of medical university, which made the universities I applied to accept me immediately before anyone else, with only one or two virtual interviews.

I got many fully funded scholarships. But I only wanted to go to Oxford, which was one of the universities that accepted me and the first one I applied to.

I was supposed to be in second year, but I got promoted to third year because they said my intelligence was something they've never witnessed before and I knew all the information I needed to learn in the first two years.

Anyway, I booked the plane ticket to go there two days ago, had a crying session in my mum's arms when we said our goodbyes at the airport, which was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced. 

I arrived there a day ago to settle in one of the flats near the university, which consisted of three bedrooms along with one bathroom in each, along with one kitchen, and one living room. It was more like a hotel suite if you asked me.

It was in a three story building with two flats in each story, all rented by university international and national students. The flat I was staying at was already rented by two other girls, that meant that we were going to be roommates, well flat-mates to be exact, also something I was definitely not used to. But for my luck, I already knew one of them.

In fact, the one I knew had been my internet best friend for three years. I still haven't really met the other girl though. I've only seen her.

I don't think she's really fond of me.

But I might be wrong. Don't judge a book by its cover, Valeria.

I was still recovering from culture shock that started when this girl living in the same apartment, who had dark black curly hair, black eyes, and totally sharp beautiful features, just stripped to her undies and bra saying with that British accent of hers that if she were to live alone she would've slept naked. Fortunately, she never left her room except for when she wanted to drink water or eat something.

Well, her name was Jessica.

Then there was my internet best friend, Rebecca, with her long golden wavy hair and hazel eyes, just one year older than me and she studies in the same medical field, fourth year, also through a scholarship, she came all the way from Australia, which was pretty far from here, she said it almost took her 19 hours to get here, she really wished that her parents were living here instead of taking a flight over there every spring and summer break. Plus the weather here was way much more better than in Australia and Syria, with their usual scorching weather during summer.

Then there was our neighbor right next door. She just gave me the creeps. She had dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

Oh those blue eyes.

They startled me the minute they burned through my brown boring ones.

She didn't have a British accent like Jessica when I went there to meet her, it was more like she was trying to make one but it just came out as fake. It seemed American.

I mean that was what neighbors did, get to know each other, right?

But yet again, I still didn't know shit about Jessica.

Anyway, her name was Joelle, like Noelle but with a J.

I felt unsafe around her, but what stopped me from freaking out was that Rebecca was always around when I was at that flat, despite knowing that Jessica would be there too, but I just couldn't trust her with my life just yet.

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