Chapter 3: A Trip to Greece (Part One)

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Translated by Lime

Greece, Athens International Airport.

After flying for nearly 10 hours, the time zone in Greece was 6 hours behind the time in China. The current time was now midnight, but the airport was still crowded.

"Let's separate here then, I'll go travel while you catch a bus to your hometown. Goodbye for now."

In front of the large gate, Lin Lan bid her farewell to the young college student while he waved and smiled at her.

"Boss, I wish you a pleasant trip and hope that you forget all your troubles in the morning! By the way, don't forget the Athens tourism strategy that I've told you on the plane, make sure nothing goes wrong on your free trip!"


After they separated, Lin Lan called a taxi to head to the hotel that was booked. From the window and balcony, Lin Lan would be able to see the Aegean Sea near Farlong Bay. The waves crashed against the cliffs, and she could see the self-serve breakfast buffet area.

Well, she would enjoy all the benefits of the trip that was originally for two people.

As Lin Lan dragged her suitcase into the hotel, she saw two stray cats sitting at the door. She paused for a moment but didn't stop walking to the front desk.

After checking in at the front desk and receiving the room card, the bellboy hospitably came with her to the corresponding room. When Lin Lan entered, there was only one person left in the double room. She fell onto the large bed and let out a tired sigh.

In fact, it was impossible to be completely relaxed. It was impossible to smile as if nothing had happened.

After breaking up with her lover, even if she worked hard to preserve her dignity on the spot and revenge was sweet, the injury that he caused was not lessened by even a little unless she had never liked him in the first place.

From the beginning to the present moment, Lin Lan didn't feel sad.

But now that it was over, she didn't feel happy either.

The soft light shone down on the crisp, white double bed that the woman was laying on. She was curled up into a ball and her hand clutched the quilt, her head buried deep into the pillow. Her shoulders shook noiselessly.


In the morning, Lin Lan woke up from her dream to the sound of waves.

Yesterday night, she slept late which added to the fatigue of traveling. It was already 11 o'clock when she awoke, meaning that the buffet breakfast had already closed.

Her heart scolded the pair of cheaters, and she clutched her empty stomach as she went to search for food.

Fortunately, there were many convenience stores and restaurants in the area for tourists, so Lin Lan did not need to search for long before she satiated her hunger.

After she had enough to eat and bought some snacks, she began to wander and explore the foreign country.

The street Lin Lan walked on was very clean and tidy, surrounded by all kinds of specialty stores and even more necessity stores for tourists. She looked out at the vast ocean and the white town ahead.

Lin Lan had quit her job before she traveled. This was not the peak holiday time for many tourists to visit Greece, so she didn't see as many fellow Chinese tourists as she had seen in the photos online.

She was just thinking about whether or not to take the bus to the pure white town when she heard a lot of laughter and standard Mandarin being spoken.

"Hubby, hurry up, hurry up. The small town in front has a holy place with a sea shrine. I want to go there to see the Aegean Sea!" The young girl in a bohemian dress took her partner's hand and ran happily to the bus station. She was so excited that she almost made the man behind her stumble.

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