Chapter 8: Her Application (Part Two)

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Translated by Lime

Translator's note: In this chapter, we finally meet the love interest! The author claims that this book has a romantic subplot, and it is true; most of the novel focuses on the cat café.

Please keep in mind that chapters 3-8 have not been thoroughly edited or re-translated yet so there will be mistakes.

After saying goodbye to the two small cats, Lin Lan took out her phone and started looking for the addresses of other companies that were interested in her.

One of the more desirable companies had moved her application on to the next round, but she still had to keep searching for other offers.

Because of the recent events, Lin Lan also realized a different approach to job hunting.

She called her family to tell them that she would come back late, and to eat dinner without her. Then, she drove to the location of the next company on her moped.

Thinking about the entire country, even the most prosperous cities could not be without the presence of stray cats, especially the ones that were small and good at hiding. Most of them walked around on the streets without being noticed by humans, and were able to gather a lot of information.

Now that she was able to understand the meows of cats, Lin Lan did not have the burden of trying to find out more about a potential workplace.

The time in one afternoon is neither long or short, but it passes unknowingly for a busy person.

It was getting closer to autumn and winter. The total amount of daylight was shrinking and the sun set earlier. The street lights turn on in rows, lighting up the road that had dimmed.

After working overtime for two hours, Cheng Fengyang finally finished his day's work, and drove his treasured Mercedes Benz SUV home like most other office workers at that time.

As the car drove on the road, he was turning the steering wheel and chatting with his close friend on the phone: "Aiya, I've worked hard this entire month to make sure that Party A's requests were completely finished. It's really not easy to make a living. I've changed the designs of that customer so many times I can't keep count and went to their house countless times as well. The lady told me that she wanted to buy the house for her son and daughter-in-law, but her requests were even more than the people who were going to live there! When she went to take a look, she wanted an avant-garde style for the bathroom. The living room must have an area for a lucky peony screen, but can't give off a rustic vibe. The most outrageous request was for the bedroom to be separated into two, one area for the husband and wife, and another for the child. However, it can not block the light from the balcony..."

When the contract was finally over, Cheng Fengyang loosened his lips and as he spoke, his saliva flew everywhere, and he said that he had suffered for a while.

From the speaker of the phone, laughter was heard. His friend on the other side said:【Isn't this normal? This year, Party A is the father, isn't it right to follow all his requests? Besides, you are a senior designer in the industry. The money you must have made is not little either.】

"That's what they all say, but earning money is still hard." Cheng Fengyang said, "Let me tell you Gangzi, I am still single, and haven't even thought about a wife. I might even have to support her in the future, and the burden is just so heavy."

【Scram!】The voice from the speakers shouted, 【You're part of the second generation. Don't sit here and shamlessly complain to me. Don't think that I don't know about the incident ten years ago. Your family's house was demolished ten years ago, and received four houses as compensation. Your father even used two of them to rent out as shops in the center of the city! Every month, the money earned by laying back can rival the annual income of some people!】

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