Chapter Ten - Family time

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Liam and I were at Windsor this morning, checking up on the process of the build. The two of us stood outside the new shell of the house. the outside had essentially been done and it would maybe another year before it would be completely finished and maybe even liveable, but that depended on how we kept up with the progress and making decisions as they came in. We walked around the site the floors and stairs were in and it was eerie, that soon this would be our family home.

The two of us made decisions about the designs of the place and grounds trying to keep it as eco friendly as possible but still to our needs. But the time we were done it was heading on for the afternoon and we decided that we would spend time with Liam's family.

"How are you doing?" Juliet wondered handing me a cup of herbal tea. "I know you had a bit of a rough start."

"Still a bit uneasy but much better than the beginning." I nodded then blew on my drink before taking a sip. "We had a doctors appointment recently, he's wanting to keep a closer eye on me, given what happened. They're doing well in there, the toughest part is that I'm already wearing maternity clothes ahead of Catherine."

"Are you excited?"

"More nervous, but a little excited." I answered

"And the house? You went to see it today, didn't you? Hows it going?"

"It looks like a house on the outside, just the inside to go now and hopefully we'll move in by the end of next year. Depends if there is anything to halt construction, we're trying to stay on top of it." she nodded in understanding. "Oh that reminds me, I wanted you to have this." I dug through my handbag and pulled out the latest sonogram and handed it over.

"Wow, look at that. That's amazing." Juliet stared at it. "Out of curiosity when was the last time the British Royal family had twins?"

"Century's I heard."


Will and I adjusted the laptop as it rang out. We were calling Harry like we had done once a month. He would be home soon but we still like to talk with him. Harry finally answered.

"Hey." we cheered

"Hey guys, hows it going, guys?" he laughed

"Terrible, Aurora is complaining all the time and won't shut up. She's running us all ragged." Will joked and i shoved his head out the frame.

"Shut up idiot. Or I'll tell Catherine you're behind mean and she'll kick you out onto the sofa." I stuck my tongue out at him and both of my brothers laughed at me "How you doing? Not long now, just a week left."

"I know, I've been telling the boys that when I get back I'm gonna measure my head against you belly see which one is bigger."

"Really, why do I have to have brothers that make me wake up and choose 'violence'. Besides I'm not the only one who's pregnant." I huff and pout

"Your the only one having twins and because of that your showing a lot more than Catherine, for obvious reasons." Will knocked my shoulder "Anyway, hows it going out there? We saw the interview. Aurora nearly had a fit seeing your unmade bed."

"I did not." I exclaim "All I said is that he was a slob as usual. FYI the whole joke about keeping my picture to keep an eye on you. I don't need a picture, as both of yours little sister I just know stuff. Like how your friends are taken the mick on the fact that I verbally kicking your ass." Harry's head turning to the side shocked "Now their shocked that I know and they're thinking I'm psychic."

"No way." I smirked as they guys on the other end freaked out

"Sisterly intuition, never doubt it, I could save your life." I started to feel nauseous "I gotta go." I ran off to the bathroom and threw up. I leant over the toilet and then from behind I felt my haired being pulled back.

"I'm here. I'm here." Will rubbed my back and held my hair up as i emptied my stomach out. then when i was done he handed my tissue so i could wipe my lips. Flushing the toilet I stood up as Will let my hair go so I then went to wash out my mouth and then wash my hands. Taking a deep breath Will hugs me from behind and I smile tiredly.

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