Chapter One - A few weeks later

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Liam and I returned from our honeymoon shortly before the Olympics. Well rested and a little bit bronzed from our honeymoon I read through the articles out of sheer boredom and curiosity.

Prince of her heart!

Sunday saw millions of people in the United kingdom and around the world watch with bated breath a the People's Princess, married her sweetheart. Princess Aurora (22) married longtime boyfriend and 'best friend' actor William Moseley (25) in a fairy tale wedding to rival her families. The young Princess tied the knot at Westminster Abbey in front of her closest friends and family as well as royals, dignitaries and officials. The two met at the premier of the Chronicles of Narnia; The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. the pair became fast friends with other due to the age difference but started dating after the princess turned 18. Then 3 year later they became engaged on holiday in New Zealand.

Marrying in the midst of the Diamond jubilee celebrations of her grand mother and on what would have been her mother Diana, Princess of Wales 51st Birthday. It was full of emotion that brought past, present and future together.....

Liam came and sat down next to me, and looked over my shoulder to what I was reading. Scrolling through various articles from different countries. They all seemed happy and welcoming of William.

"Why are you looking through these?" he questioned

"Old inherited bad habit." I replied "My Mum used to do the same thing, when she knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help herself. For me I feel the need to keep one eye on them always. One wiff of anything stinky, I'm on it."

"I have no doubt of that." he closed the laptop "But don't get too invested." I look back at him and he pecked me on the cheeks.

"Come on we need to start getting ready for the opening ceremony." I nodded and put the laptop to one side, going to get ready. Catherine, Will, Liam and I all took the one car with security detail in front and behind as we made our way to the stadium. When we arrived we introduced to those behind the scenes and then we were taken to our seats. crossing my legs i looked out to the vast stadium.

"This is insane, it's one thing to see it built but it's another to be actually in it." Liam commented.

"I know." I muttered looking around.

"What is it?" Liam questioned

"Granny and Grandpa, I thought they would be here by now, it's about to start. There's not fanfare, no extra security in the winds." I see James scanning the area I caught his eyes and signed to him 'where is the Queen?" his head tilted and sighed back "Be here soon." I nodded

"James knows sign language?"

"Yeah, who do you think taught me?" he shrugged "His wife, is hearing impaired."

"Ah right." The lights went down and we watched as London told it's story to the rest of the world. Liam took my hand and I flashed him a quick smile before continuing to watch. How it was told to me was beautiful and very moving.

"This is exciting, isn't it?" Catherine beamed as we were clapping for the performance. Before I could reply the screens of the stadium turned on capturing my attention and then the scene turned to Buckingham Palace and a taxi pulling in. I watched it unfolded, confused. My hands went to Catherine and Liam's arms as Daniel Craig got out and headed into the palace.

"What am I watching? What's going on?" I gasp as Monty, Willow and Holly chased after the James Bond actor and followed him into one of the very familiar rooms of the Office as it was in our family. "Shut up. way." I let go of my sister and husband jumping up and down giddy.

Now I knew my Granny, I could tell it was her without seeing her face. I squealed a little bit as 'James Bond' cleared his throat and she turned around lowing her pen

"No f-ing way. Will pinch me, this can't be happening." i felt a nip on my arm "Fu..." I then turned into a Granny's body double as she walked out of the back of the palace on onto a helicopter with Mr Bond and flew over London. Then I heard the sound of a helicopter over head. On the screen Bond was given the thumbs up opening the doors of the helicopter, my jaw dropped

"Om my god! Go Granny!" I whistled

"You know it's not her right sis." Will laughed "She wouldn't."

"She would, but she isn't I know that, it's still bloody cool." Granny and then Grandpa arrived. We stood up and I went royal like clapping but really wanted to tell her how much she was complexity cool in my eyes. I was practically buzzing and bouncing on my feet.

"Sis calm down." Harry laughed.

"Best Granny, ever." Granny turned round to glance at us and she had a small smile on her face before turning back as the British flag was brought up and raised on the pole, then the national anthem was sung and I calmed down and melted. We sat back down and watched the rest of the opening. Liam and I started singing when Dizzie Rasacal was on but then turned to bopping our head and then back to signing with artists we knew. We saw old footage of the last time the Olympic games were here. I saw Great Grandpa and Aunt Margaret.

The countries participating came out it Greece was first because that where the game started and as the host country we came last in the athletes parade. I leaned forward

"Your majesty, granny." she turned around and I leant closer "Not that you need telling. But that was bloody cool."

"Humm thank you my dear." We watched on and finally Team GB came out and we all stood cheering and waving our British flag. I whistled for them as Liam and I waved the union jack. Kind of Like Aunt Anne and Uncle Tim. We lowered it down and then went with clapping.


A microphone was put in front of Granny so that she could officially open the olympic games.

"I declare open the games of London celebrating the thirtieth olympiad of the modern era." She stopped back and fireworks went off around the stadium. The Olympic flag was brought forward. Soon enough the olympic flame was lit

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