Chapter Six - What's wrong?

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Aurora collapsed to the floor within minutes of her symptoms returning. There was a collective gasp. Time seemed to slow down for a moment as footmen rushed over to the princess. The curators dipped down and Elizabeth watched in horror.

"Pick her up, quickly. Take her into Anne's old room. Someone send for the doctor and William...her husband. Notify her father and Prince William as well." Aurora was lifted up and taken into the family's private quarters and to the unused bedroom of the Princess Anne. The Queen followed behind making sure to always have sight on her granddaughter.

Meanwhile at Kensington palace the phones rang for both the Dukes of Cambridge and Suffolk. Each in their own apartments ten minutes passed by since the incident and both Williams were informed. Prince William told Catherine as the Duke of Suffolk grabbed the keys to the spare car and ran toward the garage he got it just as William and Catherine arrived Catherine was careful in the fact that she was now pregnant.

Charles and Camilla who were at Clarence house were informed and quickly made the eight minute drive to the Palace down the road. Harry unfortunately still overseas was left out of the loop at this precise moment and Prince Philip was brought up to his wife and granddaughter. Elizabeth remained close as family descended  upon Buckingham Palace and the Doctor was quickly brought in as well. Liam was out of breath as the doors were open for him.

"What happened." forgetting for a moment decorum though no one bothered or cared to correct him at such a time.

"She just collapsed as we were talking about the wedding display. The Doctor is checking her over now." Elizabeth looked to the second double doors where the Sleeping Princess now lie. The Doctor came out.

"Well?" Liam breathed as the family surrounded him.

"She's in stable condition, has the Princess been feeling unwell lately any symptoms that you've seen?" The Doctor questioned Liam.

"She's been more tired than usual, she's struggling to stay more alert and awake. She had a dizzy spell moments before leaving to come here and she looked paler than normal." was all that Liam could testify to. 

"I would recommend that she be taken to hospital so further testing can be carried out determining the cause of her state of unconsciousness. I can ring ahead."

"Thank you doctor." Liam rushed into where Aurora rested soundly on her Aunts bed. he sat down next to her and took her hand in his. Charles joined him resting his hand on his son in law's shoulder.

"I'm positive that she'll be fine. That this will be something minor, like dehydration." Charles voiced more to himself rather than Liam. But the sentiment was there. Liam remained silent as he watched over his wife. A hour had now passed since Aurora collapsed and she was now being moved to hospital. Liam, Charles, Will and Catherine all waited outside the hospital room as Aurora was changed, transited with observation machines connected to her, bloods taken and fluids hooked up to her.

1 hour 45 minutes since blackout.

Liam now sat beside his wife, the doctors doing all the could in the immediate aftermath. Liam stroked her knuckle. He sighed.

"I told her not to go." he stated as the rest of the family looked up "She wasn't right. i knew that and tried to convince her to put it off, get some rest. She didn't listen." Liam shook his head

"She's stubborn, she always has been." Will replied "Aurora wouldn't have listened to anyone until it was to late. It's nothing to do with you, it's just who she has been for years."

"For better or worse, in sickness and in health." came the mumbled tones of Aurora. The all turned their attention to her, breathing out a sigh of relief. Aurora's eyes opened and she took in her surroundings as well as her family that were there. "Why am I in hospital? What happened?" she asked

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