Super Shy

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You pull your sweater closer as you rack your brain. This case was getting more twisted than you expected.

The clock struck three as you supress a yawn. You recently got a job in this small agency of London. They were looking for a researcher and you were looking for a roof over your head. You chew up the pencil, lost in thoughts when you felt someone's presence beside you.

"Have this." Handing you a warm cup of chamomile tea.

You look up at the owner who was giving you a sweet smile. You felt warmth creeping on your cheeks "thank..thank you." You quickly divert your gaze at the tea.

"It's late. You should get some sleep."

"I am just trying to get the work ahead" you yawned.

He closed the journals and gently led you to your room. You are kind but stubborn. He knew that. He didn't listen to your protests. "Please, for me. The case can wait " That's all he said before leaving you to your own devices.

This is Anthony Lockwood. The founder, a charming, reckless gentleman who stole your heart.
It all began at the interview. It was love at first sight. George knows you have a massive crush on him and he's trying to convince you for a long time to confess but you just can't find the courage to do it.

I mean it's Lockwood we're talking about. He's so talented and brave and confident. You can't even look straight in his eyes without stuttering. He deserves someone better like Lucy. Not a loser like you.

But I wish he likes me.


"The mirror's gone. This is big." You said to George.

"Yes, it is.. It's our case." Kipps enters with his crew in the cemetery.

Oh, this is bad.

Earlier that day, You and George went straight to translate the inscription on the mirror. Curiosity would be an understatement, you were intrigued. You were so lost that you didn't even notice it's 2AM in the morning and you're standing in a cemetery looking for some ancient mirror. But alas, it's gone.

"Unless Karim has a better answer?" Kipps mocks him.

"Yes, I do actually." George smirks.

"You do?" Lockwood gave a worried look.

"Trust the boy." You assured him.

"This better be good karim." Barnes said.

"Bobby, why would anyone carry a cast-iron still for two miles just to have something to bury a body in?"

"You do it because it's iron." Bobby said.

"You do it to guard against the evil spirits you're trying to bury. Of course, we're talking a hundred years before the problem, so that's odd."

"But there's the inscription in the mirror. You saw that right?" George mockingly said.

Lockwood and Lucy look at him in interest.

"We're working on it. We've already hired an aramaic translator" Kipps proudly adds.

"They'll be glad of the work but this is Phoenician."

Lockwood chuckles.

"Very trendy in Victorian occultist circles." George looks at you to continue.

"It means "the truth lies beyond." You added.

" The slogan of the Open Arms fellowship" Barnes said.

"And about six other ghost cults over the decades but this is the earliest use I've found. This death was no accident" You continue.

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