Magic is not real pt 3

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George smashed the glass window. Y/n rushed to him.

"Jesus George are you ok? What were you thinking? Oh my god. You're bleeding. What am I gonna do?" Y/n panicked.

George was shaken. His eyes were dark, heavily breathing, sweat dripping all over his face. Y/n silently gathered up the first aid kit and tended his wounds. "George, are you listening?"

"Hmm...I'm going to bed." Said George, walking towards his room.

She gave a confused look to George but didn't press the matter further. She went to the living room, silently waiting for the rest of the party to return. Lockwood asked her to stay the night. He planned to drop her home the next morning.

Y/n could barely stay awake when she heard the familiar click of the front door open. She jumped off the sofa, went straight to the door. She found both Lockwood and Lucy soaked from head to toe. She noticed Lucy was silently fuming. Before she could ask anything, Lucy excused herself to her room.

"What happened to you both?" Y/n glared at the fellow agent.

"Just a little mishap. Nothing serious." Lockwood awkwardly smiled.

Y/n grew more suspicious. "Freshen up. I'm making tea."


What is wrong with these kids? One smashed his hand against a window, the other two came home drenched when it's not even raining outside.

They don't even tell me anything....Is it because I'm a stranger?... I thought we were friends. Did I mess up again? Shit, y/n you always mess things up.

I placed the tea on the table and took a seat.

I shouldn't have been involved. I don't even have talent. I'm holding them back. I'm just a pathetic loser. I don't have any talent to help them. The voices in my head grew louder until someone called my name.

I looked at Lockwood who was sipping tea beside me.

"Mr. Lockwood, you have a lot of explaining to do." I demanded

Lockwood sighed and told me everything that happened tonight.

"You jumped into the Thames? Mr. Lockwood, are you out of your mind? No wonder Luce is mad at you" I said while fixing my glasses.

"We're alive. That's all that matters."

Now, it's my time to fume.

"You and your antics." I said, pushing my glasses further on my nose.

"Y/n can we do this tomorrow? I'm really tired." Lockwood said.

I have no choice but to drop the conversation. I was about to leave when Lockwood held my hand. I raised an eyebrow at him.

He pulled me into a hug.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I promise." He mumbled.

"Hmm." I replied.

He kissed my forehead and took me to his room.

"You can sleep here tonight. I'll sleep on the couch."


"I insist." He pleads to me.

I gave in. I was too tired to fight anymore. I jumped under the covers and went into a deep slumber.


The next morning, y/n found herself in the kitchen talking about the previous events that occurred last night to Lockwood.

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