Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Percy could feel the tears beginning to fall by the end of Kol's little speech. Out of all of her children, she had expected Kol to be one of the last to accept her and yet he proved her wrong by being the first.

"Thank you, Kol." Percy choked out, not knowing what to say to show her gratitude towards his acceptance but he just smiled gently down at her, understanding what she wanted to say without words. He kissed her forehead once more then stepped back to join his siblings whom were looking between their mother and him in surprise but he ignored them. He said what he wanted to say, he didn't have to explain himself. Percy cleared her throat and wiped her face of tears. "Okay, so, uh, I'll be leaving tomorrow to head to the Underworld after i contact someone to tell me where the entrance is. So that i can get Henrik out and hopefully to give any helpful tips to Esther's afterlife." A wicked gleam entered Percy's eyes at that thought. She knew her sister thought she was out of Percy's reach but how wrong she was.

Her children though were stuck on something she had said before she mentioned Esther. Percy didn't notice as she had begun to walk back towards the house. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"Hmm?" Percy turned around to look at them to see them showing concern for her. "What's dangerous?"

"Going into the Underworld." Niklaus said. "We've read the tales, what we thought were myths. The Underworld is extremely dangerous." Percy smirked.

"Nah, not really. I mean, once you've been there it loses its fear factor. And i believe this will be my like 10th time going there. And Uncle Hades loves me so nothing for me to worry about... but while i'm gone, why don't you get Henrik's room ready for him and some things? I'm sire he'll appreciate it." With that, Percy finally entered the mansion and headed up to her room. She went into her bathroom and turned on the faucet, seeing a faint rainbow, she tossed a drachma that she summoned from across the room into the seek.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering. Poseidon, Atlantis."

The drachma disappeared and in its place a mist appeared with her father's face that immediately lit up at the sight of her.

"Persephone! I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon." He rumbled, his voice even though he was far away, sending soothing waves through Percy as only her father could do.

"Hey, Daddy. Hows it going?"

He smiled warmly at his first and only female demigod daughter. "Fine now, that you are out and about again. Now, tell me what's happened since i saw you last, dear one."

And so Percy did. His face lit up when she told him about finally putting an end to Esther and how Kol had begun to accept her. Then she came to the reason she was calling.

"Dad, I need to get my youngest son, Henrik. Anyway you could tell me where the entrance to the Underworld now resides?"

He groaned and ran his hand down his face. "Of course you want to go and do dangerous things right when you are relatively safe... the entrance is in LA, DOA Studios to be exact. I'll send a pegasus to you in the morning to take you. Do please be careful, Percy. I just got you back."

Percy smiled at him. "I know, Daddy, and i will. But you know trouble always seems to find me. Oh, while i'm on here with you, anyway i can have Riptide back? If its with someone else, that's fine. But it would be nice to have an old friend with me. Also, have you heard of any leads in regards to Dahlia and Freya?"

"Your sword is actually at camp but i'll make sure when the pegasus arrives he'll have it with him. And no, not yet. I haven't received word from Artemis or Apollo, both of whom are searching along with Triton and Tyson. We'll find them, Percy, don't worry."

Percy smiled at him again. "I know. I just want all of my children with me, all of us safe and sound and together as a family."

"It'll happen, my dear one. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but it will happen soon. There's only so many places for Dahlia to have hid. We'll find her."

"Thank you, Daddy."

"For what?"

"For finding me. For helping to find one of my children and my other evil sister. For just being my dad really."

Percy could just see the love her father had for her filling his eyes.

"I'll always find you, Persephone, always. And from now on, no one is going to hurt you or your children again. Or they will face my wrath. Now get to sleep, my daughter, you have a long day ahead of you."

"Good night."

"Good night."

He waved his hand through the mist and their call ended. Percy turned off the water and sighed agreeing to do what her father said. She took a quick shower first, just to get the day off of her.

After doing her nighttime routine, she climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep. She would need her strength indeed.


The next morning Percy woke up and stretched feeling everything crackle and pop making her body feel good. Looking at her clock, she saw it was a little past 8 in the morning so figured it was a good time to wake up and get ready. She showered and put on a pair of black leggings and a long white shirt as well as some boots. Then she put on some arm bracers and a armored belt and pinned her hair to the side of her head so that it would be less likely to get in her face. She also made sure she was wearing her talisman before she left her room.

She was ready to get her youngest child back.

Percy entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple, taking a big bite out of it while also getting a bottle of water, not noticing that her present children were sitting at the table getting ready to eat breakfast. She turned around when she heard someone clear their throat and smiled sheepishly when her sons and daughter watched her.

"Sorry, everyone. Good morning, by the way. I contacted my father last night and he told me what i needed to know and is going to be sending me transportation. So no need to worry about lil ol' me." Percy said cheerily. She didn't want to worry them. It was her job to worry about them, not their job to worry about her. Percy didn't want to tell them the actual risks about bringing a soul back from the Underworld.

"When, ah, when are you going to be leaving?" Elijah asked, clearing his throat and the worry that had been filling his eyes began to fade into a blank mask.

"Mm, well I'm assuming Apollo told him when i woke up so my transpo should be here in about ten minutes, give or take." At that precise moment, a loud neigh sounded from the backyard. Percy smiled. "Looks like i was wrong. My ride's here. I'll be back by tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. Don't cause any trouble, don't die, and if the children that oppose you try anything, rip out their hearts or something. Toodles!" Percy walked out the backdoor and smiled seeing the pure black pegasus standing there with a bag attached to his saddle.

Hey, Boss Lady. Bossman told me you needed a ride. Name's Blackjack. The pegasus said to her as she came over to him and gave him a cube of sugar.

She heard two gasps behind her and glancing over her shoulder she saw Rebekah and Elijah standing closer to her then the others as they were frozen in the door way gaping at the sight.

"I-I heard him speaking! In my head!" Rebekah exclaimed. Percy smirked but didn't speak until she had mounted onto the back of Blackjack.

"Of course you and Elijah did. I told you that the two of you were legacies. One of your abilities is to be able to speak and hear the equine species. Let's go, Blackjack. Goodbye, dear ones. I'll see you soon."

And she was off to get back her baby. Uncle Hades wasn't gonna know what hit him. He better be ready for she wasn't going to leave without Henrik.

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