Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

The three arrived home just as the sun was beginning to set, making the backyard of the Mikaelson mansion look beautiful. Percy and the two Mikaelson's wasted no time and entered the backyard to see Esther laying on her back outside of a pentagram and Finn, Niklaus, and Rebakah standing next to it with torches lit so that Percy would be able to see what she was doing. A stone altar with a knife a bowl and two chalices were in the middle.

Percy smiled at her three other children. "Thank you for getting this set up for me. Do you of you have Esther's necklace?"

Niklaus pulled his hand from his pocket and the necklace dangled from his fingers. She grinned. "Excellent." She looked up at the sky, feeling the power of the full moon energize her even more then she already was. She knew that Artemis had given her some of her strength to see this through. "I don't see why we can't start this now."

Percy stepped into the pentagram, careful not to break the salt lines. As soon as she stepped into the middle, the torches surrounding them grew brighter and bigger. Percy's eyes closed as magic began to thrum through her body.

"Κυρία Εκάτη, θεά της μαγείας, σας καλώ για αυτό το έργο. (Lady Hecate, Goddess of Magic, I call upon you for this task.)" A gust of wind swept through them all and seemed to swirl around Percy's body for a second longer then natural before her hair settled down. Percy knew without a doubt she could have done this spell without Artemis's and Hecate's help, but she has long learned that she would rather ask for the help and not need it than not asking for help and needing it.

Percy dumped two vials of blood – one of Stefan's and Elena's each – into the two chalices. Next she took the witch hazel put it in the bowl. She picked up the knife and turned to her children whom were all standing watching her. "Would one of you like to do the honors of bringing me my sister's heart?" Niklaus smirked at her.

"I'll gladly do it. I don't need the knife though. Niklaus moved to where he was standing over Esther.

"Would you like her to be awake to see her impending demise?" Percy asked curiously.

Niklaus cocked his head at her. He was starting to see more of himself and Kol in her every moment he is around her. "That would be lovely."

Percy waved her hand at Esther. "Expergiscere." Esther shot off the ground with a gasp and looked around in panic. It only took a split second for Esther to comprehend what was happening and another for Niklaus to bend down and rip her heart from her body with no remorse. Any love he would have had for her after all these years had vanished after finding out the truth. All he felt now was some satisfaction as he held his aunt's warm heart in his hand. He reached towards Percy and dropped the heart into the bowl that contained the witch hazel.

Percy cupped her hand around the amulet in front of her and held another hand over the bowl. "Accipe sacrificum lunam invocabo. Invocavero hoc maledictio quos magicae tollere debuerunt. (I call upon the moon to accept my sacrifice. I call upon the magic to remove this curse from those whom should not have been.)" Percy's hand that was wrapped around the amulet began to burn but she ignored it. The hand above the bowl began to glow as well, showing Percy that Hecate and Artemis accepted her offerings. In a bright flash of light that caused her children to look away for a split second to shield their eyes, the body of Esther was scorched, her soul now trapped in the Underworld. The heart and necklace that had belonged to Esther was nothing but ashes mixed in with the ashes of the witch hazel. And the two chalices that had once held nothing but blood filled to the rim, now only had a deep blue, almost black liquid that was enough for one swallow for both Finn and Kol. And beside the chalices were two talismans, the ones that Kol and Finn would have received from Percy a thousand years ago.

One was a deep red that ended in black at the very tip with strands of black intertwining with the red. Wrapped around it was a flower - Percy's favorite flower - and leaves and thorns to represent that Kol's magic was strongest with earth based magic and soul magic. (IDK im just making sh*t up about it lol). Finn's was set in a diamond shaped casing that had runes around the border with a deep green with shots of purple and brown throughout. This represented Finn's healing magic and surprisingly strong fire magic. Both could do magic just like any other witch or warlock but their certain branches of magic were their strongest.

Percy stepped out of the pentagram with the two chalices and talismans although none had noticed the latter yet. "Finn, Kol, here. Drink. This might be painful, just as Niklaus's curse did when he broke it." Finn and Kol nodded their understanding before taking a chalice each. The two brothers locked eyes and as one lifted the chalice to their lips and drank it in one go. As soon as every drop was consumed, Kol and Finn immediately felt like chains fell off of them. They felt like they could finally breathe, that they were finally whole. They were still feeling relief of feeling the weight off of themselves when they dropped to their knees as they felt their magic now trying to break free.

Percy dropped to her knees right next to them and took a hand each, not flinching when the two unknowingly used their vampire strength on her hands. "You have to ground yourselves. Feed your magic into the earth or you risk losing control. Come on, Finn, Kol, you remember doing this. Its just like riding a bike." She whispered soothingly. Finn and Kol grunted again in pain but listened to her soothing voice and sent their out of control deep into the earth which caused the ground all over Mystic Falls to shake once before settling back down. Finn and Kol breathed heavily, still hunched over as the pain went away and they regained control of their magic for the moment. Percy helped them to their feet when she felt they were ready and was proud to see the two now steady and strong on their feet, the warlock-vampire hybrids they should have been for the past thousand years. She silently lifted the talismans towards their respective owners.

"I had dreamt of giving these to the two of you when i saw your skills in witchcraft. Hecate knew of the ones that i had wanted to make for the two of you and upon accepting my sacrifice along with Artemis, she left behind these for you. They will only work for the two of you or someone you grant permission and no one can remove them from around your necks, only you can do so. Which is just like mine." Percy gestured to the necklace that disappeared beneath her clothes. Finn and Kol stepped forward and took the talismans from her but did not step back. Instead they stepped forward and very hesitantly one after the other wrapped their arms around her.

"Thank you, Percy." Finn rasped after her pulled away from her speechless form.

"Um, it was no problem, Finn. I'm happy to give you back a piece of yourself." Percy said clearing her throat and turned to Kol when he stepped closer and gave her a hug as well.

"Thank you... Mom." Kol whispered in her ear causing a tear to fall from Percy's eyes as he pulled back from her and kissed her forehead. "The five of us, soon to be seven, are very lucky to have you in our lives now. And i'm not just saying thar because of what you have done for Finn and I tonight, tonight has only confirmed it. In the short time that I've known you, I've come to know you as kind, loving, vengeful, powerful, compassionate. A warrior. And as our mother. It pleases me to know that you are indeed our true mother and not that dreadful hag that kept us apart for over a thousand years."

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