Chapter One

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Chapter One

All she could hear was her own heartbeat. Her dreams of her children had dwindled in the past couple years as her children seemingly disappeared. So she mostly laid in silence with only her heartbeat and the soft drop of water that echoed through the cave whenever it rained. She didn't know how long she had been here in this cave, trapped by her sisters. But she did know that when she became free, not if, she would find her children, find her sisters, and get her revenge.

Her mind slipped into another dream and so she was unaware that her half-brothers Triton and Tyson had finally found where she was trapped and were even now summoning her father and close to finally releasing her from her prison.

She watched as her son, Niklaus, broke the curse that his aunt had placed upon him and couldn't help but cheer for him in joy. She was glad that he was now whole. And she was also able to see where her other children were and understood his reasons. He daggered them to hide and protect them from Mikael.

Percy never blamed nor hated Mikael for what he did to her as he was spelled like she was by her sisters. But she did however blame him for being cruel and even beating her children, hunting them to the ends of the earth. Percy's mind drifted in and out of her dream state as she watched her son and his new companion - the ripper - traveled the country looking for werewolves to turn.

Percy watched as her youngest daughter Rebekah was undaggered. Watched as the younger vampire betrayed her son for the doppleganger. Finally saw Mikael die at the hands of her son. Percy saw all of it... all up to all of her children except for her youngest and eldest once again together and undaggered. And Percy felt it when her sister returned from the other side.

And Percy finally felt herself awaken from her thousand year slumber.

Percy sat up with a gasp on the stone slab she had been laid upon by her dear sisters. Percy just continued to breathe and blink her eyes as her hands felt her body, making sure that this was indeed real. That she was indeed awake.

"Persephone." The almost long forgotten voice echoed around her. Percy flinched slightly but turned her head to see her father and brothers standing at the entrance of her cave. Percy couldn't hold it in anymore. She sobbed once.

"Daddy." Poseidon flashed to her side and drew her into his arms. Percy buried her face into his strong chest and allowed his arms to wrap around her in a protective embrace. She had missed his hugs, his warm protective hugs that made her feel like the ocean itself was wrapped around her. "I've missed you."

"And we've missed you." Her father finally pulled back and allowed her brothers to hug her as well. The two brothers had missed her almost as much as her father had.

"Now, tell us. What happened? How did you become trapped here?"

And so Percy told them. Told them of what her sisters did to her, and to her children. Poseidon began to grow angry and his emotions were reflected in the ocean around the world as several tropical storms started, the waves becoming unmannable.

"Tyson and I, along with others, will search for Freya." Triton rumbled out.

"And I'm sure your Uncle Hades and Thanatos would be willing to bargain for young Henrik. You go and rescue your other children, Percy. There is no time to waste. Let's teach these two uppity second rate witches what happens when you mess with our family." Poseidon growled. Percy smiled tearfully at them.

"Yes, let's." Poseidon snapped his fingers and Percy although was slightly disoriented found herself in front of the mansion that Niklaus had built for his siblings and her old viking attire changed to a white gown with a turqoise gold belt from Atlantis, cuffs that she knew could bare the strength of a kraken and still not break nor let her falter, golden sandles, a pair of golden earrings, and a golden necklace. Percy inwardly grinned. It seemed her father was trying to do a goddess effect on her. Percy could feel the energy of her sister inside, could feel her get closer to her son.

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