Tae: Oh my god. He finally uttered looking for Cia. She didn't seem to be there. That's when he understood that he had been tricked and that they clearly planned all this. But could he really get angry or mad when he had Jeon Jungkook just in front of him?

He didn't think so.

JK: Shall we take seats? Are you hungry?

Taehyung nodded like a lost child and followed him to the table that he had already chosen a while ago. They sat across each other and stayed silent a minute. None knew what to say to start the conversation, though, there was so many things they wanted to tell each other.

JK: You look stunning. Jungkook said to break the heavy silence.

Tae: Thank you.. You too.. He answered shyly not daring to even look at his eyes.

JK: I asked Cia to help me. I hope you are not angry.

Tae: No.. of course not. I actually feel happy to see you. He decided to confess honestly.

A smile curved on Jungkook's lips as he looked around and called the waiter for them to order. Taehyung observed him quitely and smiled naturally not even noticing it.

He was handsome as always. His heart fluttered and the butterflies in his stomach had come back in no time. He stared at him and observed his face carefully.

His lips, his eyes and his rings that beautifully accessorised his hand. He also seemed to have dropped the classy style and his suits. This casual and cool style suited him well. He giggled by his own thoughts and looked away.

JK: Tae?

Taehyung came back to reality and raised his eyebrows.

Tae: Mhm?

JK: What would you like to drink? Haha.

Tae: Oh. Uhm.. Orange juice for me please. Thank you.

-Alright. I will be right back. The lady said leaving.

JK: Orange juice?

Tae: It's just because I was out last night and i drank too much already. Hahaha..

JK: I see. So you went clubbing?

Tae: Yeah. But that was the fist time in a while. I promise.. He said justifying himself as a reflex.

Jungkook smiled and licked his lips. Then, he leaned closer to Taehyung and stared at his face without uttering a word.

Tae: What...H-hyung.. What are you doing..?

JK: I am just making up for all the time I craved but couldn't see this beautiful face of yours.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed immediately and he could feel his ears getting red as well.

Tae: Waa...What with you.? He said as he laughed nervously.

JK: Didn't you miss me?

Tae: .....

JK: Did you? He insisted with a low voice that could make anyone fall on their knees for him.

Tae: I...yeah. I mean..

JK: I am glad to hear that because I missed you as hell.

Tae: .......

After some minutes, the food arrived and they began to eat but Tae just couldn't swallow anything thought that was delicious.

Tae: How are you? He asked gathering his bravour.

JK: I am doing well. And you?

Tae: I am fine...Hah. Hyung why are you here? He asked placing his fork on the table and finally looking at him in the eyes.

JK: I wanted to see you. That's all. I thought you would like to see me too.

Taehyung sighed and just decided to finish his meal as fast as possible. He didn't feel ready enough to have a discussion with Jungkook at the time. He still needed to get ready mentally and emotionally.

They finished in the calm after a while and left the restaurant. Jungkook felt Tae uncomfortable so he didn't insist too much.

They got outside the restaurant and stood there a second.

Tae: Shall we...go for a walk? Tae proposed, thinking that it would be mean to leave Jungkook by his own when he came just to see him.

JK: Mhm?

Tae: Let's go for a walk. I know a super place for that. That's where I use to go at this hour when I don't have work.

JK: Alright. He nodded with a smile. They decided to go on foot since it was just some meters from there.

The park was not too crowded, thus, they could see the entire beauty of the place. Jungkook looked around and took a deep breath then walked next to Taehyung who had calmed down a bit on their way.

JK: So is this where yous spend most of your time?

Tae: Yeah. This is also where I draw. It's a very inspring place.

JK: Cool. How is work going?

Tae: Well. Eveything is going well so far.

JK: I am relieved.


JK: I am sorry I took so long to come see you. Jungkook said slowing down his steps and stop.

Taehyung turned around and caressed his nose. He didn't know what to respond to that.

JK: I still had many things to take care of so that took time but, I am here now and I won't leave again. He said with a soft voice looking at him fondly.

Taehyung felt his eyes tearing up once again. He was overwhelmed by emotions and his body was showing it well.

More when Jungkook got closer and burried his hand in his dark hair, look reaching his soul.

Tae: Hyung.

Jungkook leaned to his lips and stopped a moment. By the time , Taehyung already had his eyes closed and cheeks red, ready to have that kiss..

So, he smiled and was about to connect their lips but someone decided to spoil their moment.

JC: Taehyung ah! Jackson called out walking over.

Taehyung opened his eyes and looked behind him as Jungkook, whose eyebrows furrowed instantely.

JC: I have Something to talk about with you. That's important. Let's go. He said completly ignoring Jungkook.

Tae: Ah? Why....How did you know I was here?

JC: How wouldn't I ? Let's go. He said as he grabbed his arm. Taehyung looked at his hand with round eyes, anticipating Jungkook's reaction.

Tae: Wa-

And as expected, the latter held his hand and gently slide it in the pocket of his long brown coat.

Tae: .........

Jackson finally looked at him and smirked.

JK: We were in the middle of a conversation.

JC: I have to talk to him.

JK: I don't think so. I allowed you to talk to him enough. A month is even more than enough. Isn't it?  He asked calmly.

JC: I am not letting him here. He said holding Tae tighter.

JK: Well, I won't let go of him as well. He answered pulling him.

Tae: Guys...

To be continued...

Love at first sight..But not with me [ KOOKV]Where stories live. Discover now