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Will we drive up the mountains?
Camp in a little tent?
When the bears come at night
Will you put up a fight?
Or hide with me an my flashlight?

Jisung giggled after reading the verse, it was exactly what Minho had done for him that's why he wrote it. A few years back he debated on erasing it but decided against it since he would like who ever is his soulmate to have strangely adventurous experiences.

It happened the same night of class field trip, it wasn't even that much later when the sound of bears startled them both awake.

Minho peeped out of the tent for a while and his eyes widened as he whispered: "shit they're bears"

"Bears?" Jisung had responded, completely terrified, who wouldn't be?
He grabbed his flashlight and backed away, almost to the end of the tent.

"Hey stop that! They'll see you moving" Minho scolded, he crawled over to jisung and grasped both of his shoulders "look we need to get out, I promise here all jokes aside, that I'll get you to safety", he looked so genuine, maybe even sympathetic making jisung to nod.

He covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream when they made a run for it to jisung's car. He was practically shaking, his jaw was flexed and his knuckles had turned white from how hard he was clenching the flashlight.

He had thought it was some joke back then when Minho hugged him and rocked them both back and fourth, it was almost like he cared when he hummed into jisung's hair until the sounds stopped and they both fell asleep in jisung's red 1969 Ford mustang.

That's when he learned he did care.

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