She readied herself into a fighting position as she looked around. She saw three girls. Three girls from one of the fanclub of Natsu. She wondered as to why those girls were following her. "What are you doing, following me around? You're creepy," she stated, cocking an eyebrow.

The girl with red hair furrowed her eyebrows. "Break up with Natsu, derp." She demanded in a low voice, slowly. Lucy lifted an eyebrow obscurely.

"What are you babbling about?"

"Break up with Natsu. Didn't you hear?" A girl with hazel hair said impatiently, flailing her arms.

Lucy took a step back lucidly. "And why should I? Give me 10 reasons."

A blond girl put her hands on her hips, smirking. "Fool. You'll regret that you messed with us." She lunged at Lucy. Lucy was about to land her famous and scary taekwando moves on the girl when someone grabbed the girl's fist. The three girls gasped and fawned at the boy who held the blond's fist.

"G-Gray?" Lucy stammered, almost panicking. Her great crush was right in front of her, and she didn't know what to do. Kyaa!! He's like my knight in shining armor right now! Like, really!

“Are you okay, Lucy?” the raven haired boy asked, concern filling his voice. Lucy shook herself and she was back to reality. She nodded at Gray happily, the girls running away with their tail between their legs.

“Thank you for saving me...” Lucy scratched the back of her head and bowed sheepishly, feeling grateful for Gray’s help.

“I’m glad I could help. Have you eaten dinner?” he inquired, looking Lucy in the eyes. There was something about his eyes telling her something she couldn’t decipher. Mysterious eyes were the words exact to describe him.

“I-I haven’t. You see, I was just about to go home.” she replied with a shrug.

“Is that so? C’mon. I’m treating you to dinner. I want to know you more, since you’re Juvia’s friend.” her heart sunk when she remembered Juvia’s relationship with Gray. She tried to disguise her frown with a smile.

“Uhh, no thanks. I’m having dinner at house tonight. Thank you for saving me from those girls earlier, though. I could handle them by myself, but you interfered. You disposed them by yourself. Thanks again.” she bragged and beamed at him bitterly. Her eyes showed the feeling of a heart-broken, which Gray never noticed.

He smiled, shaking his head. “Then let me take you home. That way, I can still get to know you. Might as well ask you about your friends.” he offered. “Lucy, right?” Lucy nodded, getting her cellphone to check the time. She noticed she has an unread message.

Fr: Levy-chan (1 hour ago)

Lu-chan! Natsu is asking for your number awhile ago! He gave me his number and told me to text him your number! Should I tell him or not? Reply ASAP!

Lucy pondered over Levy’s text. She knew that she hated Natsu, but a realization popped in her head. There was nothing wrong with giving Natsu her number, right? She felt certain that Natsu wouldn’t text her without a valid reason, so she agreed.

“Oh, so one of your friend’s name is Levy? Levy McGarden? Sorry, I didn’t peek. I accidentally saw it.” Gray’s voice startled Lucy, causing her to squeal.

“Sorry. I was just surprised. And no, it’s fine. It was an unimportant conversation.” the blond said after she squealed unintentionally.

“He-he. My bad. So, do you agree if I walk you home? Places like this is dangerous for girls like you, so you must always have a companion when you walk home. It’s very dark and creepy in here at night too.” Lucy frantically glanced around, noticing that they were alone. She blushed many shades of red.

“I know. But as I said, I can handle myself.” she chuckled. “If you want to, you can walk me home.. I guess.” she added hesitantly.

“All right. Come on now.” he started to walk ahead of her, Lucy behind him, feeling awkward. “As I have said, I want to know you better. So speak up!” he cheerfully looked at Lucy.

“Right. Lucy Heartfilia. You can call me Lucy. Seventeen years old. High school student. Loves to read books and listen to music, and to meet new people. Hates a casanova. Friendly to people who are friendly. Loves kids. That’s all, thank you.” she introduced formally then bowed. Gray flashed her a small smile and nodded.

“My turn. Gray Fullbuster. You can call me Gray. I love everything related to cold like snow cones, except for Frozen, Elsa, Let It Go, you know those things.” Lucy laughed whole-heartedly. “My weakness is: girls who are crying. I hate fire and anything related to it. Also, I love Juvia. Thank you, that’s all.” he politely bowed. Lucy’s smile almost perished, but fortunately, it didn’t.

“I see.” she answered her voice close to the sound of sadness.

“Come to think of it, is there anyone you like right now?” he interrogated, intrigued by the topic.

Lucy smiled sadly, shaking her head, “There is. Of course it’s Natsu. He’s my boyfriend, right?”

Gray chuckled. “Agree.” Then they talked about more things.

“Hey. Nice talking to ‘ya, Lucy. Bye.” Gray walked away when they reached Lucy’s house.

They didn’t know that someone’s watching them.

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now