Chapter 2: Unlucky Block

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In Fireworks City, Lukas, Petra and Lluna were with Steve and Alex outside of the healing room waiting for Jesse and John 

Petra: How well do you trust the mayor? 

Steve: I trust him a lot. He's been my friend for a very long time. 

Lukas: Okay, makes since. 

Alex: I'm sure he'll have the curse out of Jesse in no time. 

Then, Jesse and John came out of the room

Lukas: Is it out yet? 

John: Unfortunately... no...

Steve: What? 

John: Well, we'd just discovered this curse is even more harder to get out than the original curse you had Alex. 

Alex: Seriously? 

John: Yup... 

Jesse: But I still don't get it, who cursed me? 

John: I have no idea. But don't worry, we'll find something. In the meantime, why not look around the city. 

Then, the cat pops out again

Jesse: Oh, why hello again. 

John: Ah, hello my kitty. 

Jesse: Oh, is she yours? 

John: Yup, her name's Shelby. I found her at a village. 

Lukas: Well, this cat sure is adorable. You know, I actually have an untamed Ocelot at my place too. 

John: Interesting. 

Then, Jesse and the gang went on to look around Fireworks City. 

Petra: Wow... this place is amazing. 

Steve: Right. 

Then, some Fireworks started to pop from the sky

Jesse: Well, I guess they show Fireworks here all the time. 

Lukas: Yeah, no kidding... 

Petra: Well, these people should really visit Boom Town then. 

Lukas: Yeah, there are explosions there all the time... 

Steve: Say, what's that? 

Lukas: Wow... I never seen a block with a question block on it before.

Alex: Looks like a Lucky block. 

Lukas: Hmm... maybe I should just take a closer look. 

Unnamed lady: Don't touch that! 

Then, the gang looks at the lady and it looks like the lady from EnderCon

Jesse: Say, I've seen you before. Aren't you that lady from the Slime Booth? 

Ivy: Yes, the name's Ivy. Anyway, that block is super dangerous. You shouldn't mess with it? 

Lukas: Wow, what do you mean? 

Ivy: That block is a curse... of bad luck. 

Jesse: Bad luck? 

Petra: Seriously? 

Ivy: Yes... that block... gives you bad luck. Just by one touch, bad luck will appear out of nowhere. 

Lukas: C'mon, what could luck possibly have to do with this?

Then, Lukas puts his hand on the Block of Bad Luck much to everyone's horror

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