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Fromis_9 has just finished their last song and exciting the stage, vcr starts playing for the next group which is SEVENTEEN. They all stand in line waiting to go up the stairs for their turn, respectively letting the girls walk past them first before going up.

It's go time and everybody is focused on being perfect and exquisite, mainly for their fans who adore us. "Hey Ari!" Turning my head towards the door we just came from, our manager comes and pats my back softly, "Got some good news for you my sweet girl." My heart beats fast at this sudden change up she is about to tell me.

"What happened?" Asking her with quickly as to wanting to hear what she has to say next. "This is last minute but— you're going to be able to sit on stage tonight." My eyes open wide as I want to begin to cry.

Pouting my lips at her, "You're lying to me!" Me and Mi-Sun get jumped scared and look towards the backstage part where the stage is located at. Sudden fireworks and the screams roar the stadium, sending chills all over my arms as the adrenaline is kicking in. SEVENTEEN is now in their first song.

"I'm being serious Ari, now come on we have to tell you when to go up and etc!" Turning my gaze to her as tears are now forming my eyes, slowly getting blurry but soon quickly shut my eyes and rub them softly to try not to smear my makeup. "Come on!" She grabs my hand and drags me with her to meet up with my member's.

Slowly but surly, we meet them up as my member's wait next to the stairs but soon look over to me with a curious expression. "What is Ari doing over here?" Daisy asks our manager, "Change of plans." She tells her, she lets go of my hand and pushes me lightly towards them. "She will be on stage with you guys."

My members burst out loud in excitement as their screams are filled along with the screaming fans. They all hug me in a huge pile and jump with joy except me. Smiles on our faces is now not leaving our faces at all.

"Ladies, teach her around the stage, what y'all are doing and etc please. Don't have time to chit chat and I'm sorry!" She says and makes her exit as she walks off to who knows where. "Oh my gosh you're really-" "yes, yes I am. Cant you believe it!! I'm so excited!!" Expressing myself to them, they continue to hug me.

"Okay okay, let us tell you what happens." Seo-Yeon says and throughout the whole time while SEVENTEEN is performing and talking with fans. I was learning what to do when I'm sitting on stage, what they will be doing in certain songs, when to walk around with them in stage, you name it.

This ball game has turned back to a beautiful bloom where now all of us can be on stage for the first time since our incident. "And then after that song, we do our ballad song together and that's it." Jiyoo continues to smile as I do the same, "Even by then, we will still let you know what comes next while on stage. I don't care if it has to be perfect, it just doesn't have to be sometimes."

"Which when the lights go out, I will come by your side and let you know what song is next." Seo-Yeon then says to me, as I was about to speak up, one of the staff lets us know that we're about to go on soon and need to be in position for it after the next two songs of SEVENTEEN has left for them.

"Oh my gosh their performance went by too fast!" Daisy says, "What happens when good times fly by." Seo-Yeon says back to her. We get together next the stairs as their last song is playing which is 'Super' the title track they're singing at the moment.

"Okay Ari, when they go down on the lift in the middle, that's our cue to head to the stage until our vcr is over. The one we recorded earlier this year." My mouth turns into a 'o' shape on my lips, "Okay hey guys, let's do our circle chant." Daisy reminds us what we use to do.

We huddle up in a quick circle and place one arm out towards the middle and as a leader, always said something. "Okay ladies, we're finally back and let's make this one a great one. Let's give them what they been waiting for and let's come out on top. Fighting on three! One two three! Fighting!!" We all yell out the last word and we again hear the roar of the fans, which means that means we're up next.

The tingling begins in my hands as my legs began to feel jelly. Only due to me being nervous and scared to even sit on stage while they're dancing, we go up the stairs one by one and wait on the side of the stage as we wait patiently.

Two staff members with the flashlight comes to us, "Fighting!!" They both say as we give them the same gesture back. Our vcr begins to play as fans roared again at the sudden boom of the music playing from our vcr showing on the big screen.

One staff gets the girls ready as they take their place silently on stage, while the other staff guard me and tells me that the seat is ready as it's just on the side. "The chair is right there! You can't see it of course due to the blackout and set up, but once your music plays and the lights come on you will see it!" He yells in my ear as I nod at his comment.

My palms that around my mic begins to sweat as I feel icky, patting down my hair one last time before anything. The fans once more roar at the end of our vcr, "okay go go!" The staff tells me to head towards the seat as I do, along with my members now walking to their formation.

Been a long time coming, this is for you Miyoung and Nari.

Finding the seat in pitch black, the song begins and our first song is 'Red Line' EDM song from us and the fans roar at the sight of us. Chills were sent down my spine once I sat down on the chair.

Turning towards my members, they're already dancing with the backup dancers, they're still cheering for us. The light sticks then turn yellow as that's our color, Daisy's lines come up as she sings first in the song.

Looking around at the crowd and bopping my head at the tempo/beat of the song. Tears of joy fills my eyes as I'm happy to experience this, yes, will love to dance but my health right now matters.

There is always next time. A smile runs on my face as my line comes next after Seo-Yeons long rap part.

Grateful to still be on this earth with them.


Hello readers! Hope you guys are having a fantastic day! Having some good news and a sneak peak picture I made for my next upcoming book. Yes, next book is already in the making as we speak. Super excited about this one, as far as this book has come, we're at the halfway point of 'Heaven Sent' sadly.

Here is a sneak peak cover of the next book I will be writing after this book comes to an end. As always hope you have a great day and stay healthy! 🖤

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