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The day of the concert has arrived. January 19th. Time has flew BIG TIME. Mainly thought it was going to take forever, was sure wrong thinking about how slow last year was going. Yoongi and myself have been hanging out more, mainly at his house, still haven't been caught yet which is crazy.

For Christmas and New Years, we didn't hangout but we made the most of it by buying each other Christmas presents, including his dog to play dress up with him.

Me and my member's were in the living room doing karaoke until the doorbell rang. Jiyoo went to check on who it was and surprise surprise, a mid size gift was waiting on the door step of our apartment.

Jiyoo thought it was a bomb something sketchy but she took it into her own hands and brought it to me, seeing the tag that it was for me by himself, Min Yoongi.

Up until then, our relationship has developed. Actually talked to his parents, he talked to mines, treated me the way every girl wants too.

Coming from himself, everybody thinks he is a cold hearted guy, not talkative, workaholic, everything you know including fans. Reality, he's all of that except cold hearted when he is a wholesome amazing guy, warm hearted, he has a soft spot for anybody he loves.

New years was well spent with my members as we celebrated in our apartment and watched fire works pop in the beautiful night sky from our apartment balcony. Along with my knee, I can officially walk on my own still for now can't dance with my members on stage thanks to my doctor. Thanks.

Upon arriving to the Olympic Stadium, we greeted each artist, talked, laughed, rehearsed, all the above and you name it. Worst part is all I can do is just sit around and that's it, looking for Yoongi was my main goal but of course he is very busy at the moment with his members.

Sitting in the dressing room alone while the girls rehearse their stage moment. The monitor to show them sits on the far left corner of the room showing them three with two other staffs and 6 back up dancers learning their positions again, along with counts, where to be at where at the specific of the music, and how loud they should be on the mic etc.

As soon as I was about to get up from the couch in the medium size room, a knock interrupts the silence in the room. "Come in!" Yelling out to the unknown knocker, the door slowly opens, "Hey Princess".

My eyes twinkle with excitement as I smile at him, still calling me a princess, "May I come in?" He checks out the room first before looking back at me, "Yes you may, the girls are on stage right now with everybody while I'm just—" use my hands as a gesture to look around the room again. "Alone."

"Not anymore, actually was going to text you," he comes in and closes the door behind himself. "But I came to check on you since I didn't see you on camera on the monitors in our room." He sits down next to me, releases his left arm to lay it behind my head.

"How you doing in here?" He asks me, looking to my right he has his head layed back on the head rester, he is for sure tired as earlier he texted me saying he's been here since ten o'clock in the morning for rehearsals. "I've been chilling, mainly on my phone."

Looking back on the monitor to see the girls now performing one of the songs along with the backup dancers. This feeling I begin to feel is pure sadness, felt like my heart just broke into pieces realizing that I am not performing until further notice.

"Earth to Ari, you okay?" Hearing his Velvet dark voice come into my ear, looking back at him, "Actually, no." He brings his head up and looks at me with his normal expression. "What happened?" He asks me, not wanting to be truthful with him right now or anything.

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