By now, Moira had allowed Melissa to finally leave her bed about a week ago, and the recovering woman fretted over everything she had to catch up on. She lamented that while her mate was very good at cutting wood and hunting down deers, he was hopeless when it came to cooking, and she said it in such a dramatic tone that Jonah couldn't help but laugh. 

He clutched his coat closer to his chest. While snow had been there for about two months now, the temperature this week was really bad. He knocked at the door and tried to bury his nose further into his coat to get some warmth while waiting for her to answer.

Fortunately, not a minute passed before Melissa welcomed him inside.

"Come inside, quick! You're going to freeze to death out there!"

Jonah let out a sigh of content when he was instantly enveloped by the warm air. Melissa hurried to help him remove his coat.

"We have so much to do today! I have to prepare some stew as well as a casserole for this evening!"

It didn't take long before the pair were surrounded by pots and pans. Jonah had settled on cutting the vegetables while Melissa stirred the meat. The young omega enjoyed the time they spent cooking together because the woman usually told him stories from her younger days, and they often broke into laughing fits, completely forgetting what they were doing.

The fact that he smiled and laughed so much these days was a really far cry from how he was back when he was stuck in that basement. Each night he went to bed, tucked into Alec's warm embrace, he silently thanked the moon for allowing him to finally find happiness.

As they began to make the casserole, Jonah took the chance to ask the question that lingered in the back of his mind since she had mentioned it. 

"Is there a special occasion tonight?" Melissa nodded with a smile.

"Every week during winter, the omegas gather together to talk about recent events and just socialize in general. Different people are chosen for each meeting to bring out a meal, and for this evening I've been chosen as well as another she wolf. She told me last week that she'll probably make a sugar pie." Her eyes lit up suddenly as she came up with an idea.

"Why don't you come with me tonight Jonah? This will be a nice opportunity for you to get to know other members of the pack." 

Jonah felt uneasy as he avoided her eyes. "But, I haven't been invited..." 

"There's no formal invitation to this," she brushed him off with a motion of her hand. "Everyone is welcomed."

"I... I don't think it's a good idea Melissa." The woman picked up on the sad tone in his voice and her smiled dimmed.

"Is something wrong?" Jonah hesitated to tell her. This wasn't something he liked to talk about, and he usually tried to act like it didn't affect him. 

"The members of the pack, they don't like me very much." Melissa frowned.

"Well, maybe they need some time to warm up to you." The male omega appreciated her attempt to comfort him, but he shook his head.

"No, it's not that. I've been here for a month already, and everyone still look at me like I'm an intruder on the territory. A while ago, I heard a mother tell her child to not approach me because I'm dangerous." A lump form in his throat as he recalled the story.

He felt somewhat selfish for complaining about this, because he had already gain so much being in this pack. He should be satisfied with the few people who showed him care and the freedom he had been given. 

Jonah felt Melissa put her hand on his shoulder to show him support. 

"You deserve your place here Jonah. You do your part to help the pack just like everybody else here, and you have the right to be treated with kindness and respect.

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