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Hello everyone, this is fanfiction in Indonesian. So someone asked for a comment to be made in English. Okay so because I'm not good at English, then I use a language translator app.

If any language is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable. I apologize and again I just uploaded according to the translation.

And if there are bad writing, vocabulary problems, punctuation marks, and so on, I apologize considering that I am still a beginner.


In the new world

Seen on the Oro Jackson ship.  Roger's nakama looked relaxed and so did the captain after they managed to find One Piece.

"Peaceful day."  Rayleigh said

"Even so it's still boring. I think I want to watch a concert."  Rogers said

"Concert?"  Confused Rayleigh

"It would be great if there were epic fights, and interesting facts."  Roger said, for some reason his mind like a child appeared.

Rayleigh could only shake his head with his captain's attitude but a voice startled them.

"Your wish will soon be granted."

Before they could react suddenly everyone changed places.
They are in the meadow.

There were also soft chairs there with various colors and sizes plus soft ones, and there was a big screen in front of them

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There were also soft chairs there with various colors and sizes plus soft ones, and there was a big screen in front of them. Even worse besides them there are other pirates, marines, nobles, Tenryubitto, Gorosei, Im, citizens, and various races.

Pirates and Marines on alert.



"It must be their doing."

One of the admirals pointed at the pirates making them growl in annoyance.

"You are the ones to be suspected."

"I think it's good to get rid of all the pirates that are here." Said Sakazuki activating his devil fruit powers.

"So easy to get rid of" Borsallino said

Kuzan seemed to be sleeping in a light blue chair that was there without caring about the surroundings. Sleep so soundly especially the chair is so soft, I hope he has sweet dreams.

"Hahahahaha this is getting interesting." Garp said

"Garp, could you enter my room earlier through the door, not the wall!" Sengoku said with an annoyed face.

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