Sitting in the room she shared with Kuina and Chishiya, they started going over the plan with Arisu and Usagi. "The black envelopes," Chishiya began. "The poker cards gathered by all the members of Beach are kept in the safe in Hatter's royal suite room. The passcode to the safe is kept and seal inside the black envelope. The envelope is opaque and kept in utmost secrecy, and can be opened only when there is a new Number One." Chishiya explained.

Ren lowered her head, shaking it. This got more complicated than it needed to be.

"The new Number One will check the passcode alone in front of all the executive members. Then, he will place the paper with the passcode written on it into a new envelope and seal it again. It will then be signed by all executive members before it's stashed away again." Chishiya explained further.

Ren leaned back on her hands on the bed, taking a deep breath.

"First, Arisu will infiltrate the royal suite. Then he will search for the safe and steal all the playing cards inside." Chishiya said.

"What about the passcode?" Arisu questioned.

"I have an idea of that. I'll tell you when you're in front of the safe." Chishiya leaned over the coffee table, passing over the radio he took.

"You're really cautious." Arisu stated before reaching over for the radio. "I got it."

Chishiya looked over at Usagi for a moment. "Usagi, Kuina, and Ren will be on the lookout." He stated.

Usagi didn't care for the plans. "This is too dangerous if we're discovered, we'll be killed." She said.

While that was a valid concern, if they wanted these games to end, there was no other choice.

Arisu turned his attention to Usagi. "This is the only wat to change the curren situation." He stated. "Now that Hatter is dead and there's no unity at the Beach, the time is right for this plan."

Ren was tossed a radio by Chishiya. She caught it, looking at the state of it. Ren's fingers tapped against the back of it.

The only thing that was on Ren's mind was what was going to happen tonight. It was something that was going to shake the Beach. Having Aguni taking over was a horrible idea, but only time would tell how the Beach would actually react to this madness.

Ren stood next to Chishiya, arms crossed against her chest while standing in the main lobby of the Beach. The other executives were standing on the balcony, waiting for the Beach members to finish gathering around for the announcement of a new Number One.

It was Niragi who started to address the large group of people. "The leader has changed." Ren glanced around, seeing the reactions of the other members of the Beach. "Hatter is no longer with us. The new leader will be Aguni." Ren knew the reaction would be harsh when it came to Aguni stepped up to be the new leader for the Beach. Ren kept her mouth shut as the others spoke amongst themselves.

Niragi rolled his eyes. "How noisy." He commented. "Shut up!" Ren took a deep breath, continuing to look down at Niragi. "It appears that Hatter failed in his game and couldn't return. Through majority vote among the executives members, it's been decided that Aguni will be the new Number One." Niragi explained.

Ren didn't know how Aguni was going to handle the Beach, she was curious. He was the one who brought her back to the Beach – he watched her play the drinking game and win it with a bit of cheating on her part, not that the world they lived in would know that.

"Now, let's hear from Aguni." Niragi continued to speak, a gun resting on his shoulder. "You guys better listen properly." Niragi stepped back into position as Aguni stepped forward to adress the large group of people.

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