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y/n released a huff of breath as she watched the scenery in front of her. heroes and heroes-in-training are all wounded, injured near to death even. everything around her was tainted in blood, and their enemies are scattered all around. they weren't dead, yet, alive.

she walked towards the nearest person and held the body part where they're injured. she inhaled before activating her quirk and healed it. she didn't exactly healed it, her kinetic abilities doesn't have that. she only turned time where it was all okay and healthy.

but the heavier the injury is, the heavier the consequences it is for her. afterall, the quirk kinesis is something that bends the rules of the universe.

after that, she repeated the same process all over again even when pro-heroes have told her to stop. she shaked her head and continued, despite the blood dripping out of her nose. it took too many heroes to stop her and make her to get to sleep.

when she woke up, all she could think about was shoto. her darling. she was inside the temporary hospital that nezu and the staff built. she stood up and asked around, but all she was given answer to was a sad look while saying 'go to endeavor'.

y/n's heart sunk as she immediately ran around to find her beloved. midoriya, who looked so messed up, pointed at a room. she frowned, it couldn't be what she's thinking... right? she started panicking, and didn't even realize she was tearing up.

she barged inside the room, when she saw the todoroki family all burnt. they were pretty healed, maybe because of the doctors, but all she could think about was the person who's lying at the hospital bed. she looked at the machine and saw the lines getting straight... he was dying.

she walked towards shoto and held his hands with her trembling ones. she couldn't believe it. no, he promised her. she didn't die, so he shouldn't die too. that was their promise...

"darling..." she whispered as she silently cried, completely breaking down as she fell to her knees. she felt soft hands hold onto her, but she couldn't care any less. shoto was lying on his death bed.

"his body's fine..." a voice of a man started speaking, his voice was rough and it was evident that he'd been crying. y/n turned to him and saw that it was shoto's brother, natsuo. "but his head... it's not in a normal condition..."

"you're y/n, right?" the woman behind her asked, and she turned around. it was shoto's mom this time, with a sad smile on her face. y/n could still see the tears on her face. "shoto have told me about you..."

y/n could only cry, feeling the despair of losing him. she should've stayed beside him. she shouldn't have left him, she should have forced the heroes to make her stay beside him. she should've... but she can't... she didn't.

"your kinesis might help him."

she looked behind rei, and saw nezu walking towards them. she furrowed her eyebrows, when she realized what he meant. she released a sharp breath, forcing herself to stand up. she looked at shoto once again, and her tears just broke out once again.

"can... you all leave the room?"

she closed her eyes, expecting to hear protests when they left her alone with him without muttering any words. she chuckled at her pessimism, and cupped shoto's cheeks. just before they went to fight, she was hugging him tightly in her arms while they talk about what they're going to do after everything.

they practically planned their life together. they promised they won't leave each other's side.

"let's meet again, sho..." she placed a soft kiss at his lips, placing her hand at his forehead. her eyes was glowing in golden color, a thing he loved about her... "i love you."

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