"I...I will need some time to think about all of this...Divorce? From a marriage that I can't even remember being in first place sounds so..."

"Peculiar...I know...I am truly sorry about your memory loss Ann, I am...But trust me somethings are better left forgotten...Take it from this old man!" He added a bit of scotch in to his tea, and gulped it down in one go.

"I think you are right professor...err...Can I ask you one more thing?"

" Yes...Go ahead...Now that we are being open..."

" I can't help shake the fact that Ansh and Kamla are extremely close...I...I have had trouble connecting with him...You see...PARI...was different...She...She was a baby...and I... I knew the moment I held her...that she's mine...though she's not exactly mine...But with Ansh...I can't help but feel he's not mine, even though he is....Oh I must be making no sense!"

" Well, Kamla was his wet nurse. So that would make sense that he does have a bond with the woman. If it is troubling for you I can get rid of her..."

"Oh...No...No..Professor Rai...I...I don't think that's necessary...It's just an instinct..."

"Ann...As far as I know, you are this Pari—Shivaay's adopted child's nurse. He doesn't acknowledge you to be his wife any longer. So you reckon she will end up being truly yours? I think you should start focusing on yourself, and what is truly yours...Your own...Your Ansh..."

"True...You are right...Let me think about what you suggested today, and I'd get back to you!"

Ann bit her lip and clenched her fists as she walked out of the study. Perhaps the professor was right. What's the point of being stuck in a marriage that is not even acknowledged. Loving a child, that can be taken away from you any moment because you had no right. Because you didn't give birth. Because you are not the mother!

She slumped on to the bed, in the dark dingy old room, Kamla had prepared for her stay. She pulled out the small leather bound pocket diary, from her satchel, and turned to a book marked page.

Remember me, when the skies turn dark and lonely...
Remember me, when you are uncertain...
Remember me, in my truest form
Remember me,when you have forgotten...
That I always be the only one you can trust...

She closed her eyes for a moment taking a deep breath. 

"Professor Rai?" Shivaay looked startled as he saw a Razdan monogrammed carriage pulled over in front of the bed and breakfast he was staying in. It had been two days Ann, had chosen to not leave behind Ansh. Her judgement was clouded, but he knew once he produces evidence to her she was intelligent enough to see in between the lines. She just needed some time, to calm down, think rationally.

He had been simply adding to her confusions, after her return by pushing her further away. Not sharing the truth with her hoping to safeguard her. He was now suffering the consequences. It will be another two day's until the post from Bombay will reach him on the midnight postal train. Dr. Aman had acquired the proof he was looking for—the autopsy report, and confirmation of the death of their son who succumbed to smoke inhalation.

For Shivaay's surprise, it was Ann who got off from the carriage. She seemed to be alone. He ran to her meeting her half way through, and she suddenly came to an abrupt stop. She looked at him, with blank eyes. His heart started pounding, nervously, wondering what brainwashing, manipulative lies, the Professor had filled her fragile mind with.

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