T. FOUR / "Wake Me Up When Saturday Ends"

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"Law's my fight," I tell her, softly from my perch on my hands, back to the board.

"Cyber, if you stay... they'll know who you are. Every super out there." My eyes widen in fear I clearly failed to hide. She moves closer to me, now just a few inches away. "Change. Go on your date. Because if you don't, your face will be plastered next to the name 'Cyber' until the day they take you in. Go, Cy."

My chest is heaving from the fight, and I search the shiny black plating where North's eyes should be. "Save a piece of her for me," I seethe.

~barely later-

I basically ran home, escaping the otherwise empty school, about to probably be destroyed from the inside out.

The car's here, but Lawmaker's nowhere, probably never having broken up with that police guy. Jepito wasn't here when I started packing and he still isn't. By the time I've got both mine and the Suit's things in our duffel bags, it's 7:54.

The thought that crosses my mind almost makes me pull my hair out. The most I can will myself to do is scream a loud "Fuck!" before throwing my phone down.

My cramped hands finally still as I pace back and forth, eyes wide, probably purple with electricity if the past has taught me anything.

Everything is dead silent as I clench my jaw, see the same two parts of my room every time I get to whichever end. The only indication I'm still alive is my heavy breathing.

Then it's the wind up from throwing my phone that comes back to haunt me. My trembling fingers lift and grab my shoulder. I suppress the hiss it almost draws, knowing my shoulder's been seared beneath my clothes which is why Suit told me to change.

I rip it off, easily since it's a short sleeve, but painful as hell.

Anger fills me as my fingers dance around the inflamed flesh. Law's accomplished worse without trying. But she never hits me somewhere that could kill me. I can't say the same about myself.

My eyes close as my head twists stiffly before I take off my shoes and pants. I pull up my mattress with my good arm and pull out my purple and blue suit before painfully dressing in it.

I'm on autopilot as I pull on a hoodie and baggy jeans before throwing on some good boots. I don't turn off a single light in the house before leaving and letting the door slam behind me. I immediately get to Lawmaker's SUV and unlock the door and start the car with a flicker of my eyes.

I've driven enough getaway cars to know how to get to where I'm going.

It's just a goodbye. I at least owe her this right? See her one last time before I risk everything to get back to that fight. It's been half an hour. We've fought on rooftops for longer.

~a bunch of run red lights later~

I asked for a table for two, but she gave me a booth big enough for four. I think I scared away the waitress, so she'll probably bring a menu when Amy arrives.

My leg bounces uncontrollably. I don't think I've ever been such a mix of emotions. Red hot with anger, beet red in nervousness. Both of them together and my frequency is flying off the chart.

It reminds me of what I'm wearing, and then I throw my head back because there is no way I'm seriously thinking about what Amy will think if she looks really nice and her date shows up like this. Fuck. I should just fill my glass of water with cyber chips and end it all.

The chimes sound above the door. It's busy anyway, so I don't get my hopes up. Nonetheless, I pick up on the countless devices in the restaurant, telling me it's 8:08.

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