SIX / "Rulebook"

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"WHAT?" Why not? Why can't we hang out today?" Josie whined like a little baby. She decided to have her pointless conversation right at the front door while I was busy eating and watching a movie.

"Hey, maybe she just doesn't like you," I called out matter-of-factly from the couch.

"Ignore him," Josie said after a bit, her voice bored and unbothered. Oh well. I'd find a way to ruin her day like always.

I tossed another cracker in my mouth while pretending not to listen to their conversation. But that girl from school was sounding... hopeless. Why the hell is she so upset about not hanging out with Josie? I wish I didn't have to live with her.

"I know," our kinda hot neighbor said. "Look, it's my brother Colby's... birthday... so me and Jake wanted to do something for him."

"How does it feel to actually love your brother?" Josie asked. Ha ha. Very funny. I rolled my eyes and ate another cracker.

"Feels more like an obligation. But I gotta go. See you later, Jos."

I reluctantly turned my head, making it seem like I was looking at the clock, but I just wanted to see. I frowned when the two girls hugged. And then it lasted longer than any close proximity with Josie should. I was gagging before I fully turned back to my movie.

The door finally closed, and I heard Josie walking away.

"What are you doing with the hot girl from school?" I asked. I vaulted over the back of the couch and crossed my arms. I liked how my fabric tightened as my biceps tugged the sleeves. Guess I'm just built different.

Josie's frown was borderline a grimace when she looked up from her phone at me. "Why do you think I'm going to answer that question?"

"You don't have to be a bitch, it was just a question."

"Jaxon, I swear to—" she started. Then she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I don't need to do this. Bye, I'm going upstairs."

And then she did. I rolled my eyes and fell backwards on the couch. The back of it pressed into my spine but that was nowhere near the pain I experienced in the field, so I didn't care.

Shit, I thought while staring at my newly dusted over elbow. I forgot my packet of crackers was right there on the seat.

~the following day~

"Shit, I'm never gonna escape your family," I huffed, stepping into the peer tutoring room. So what if I was averaging a D in my classes? I was averaging an A+ in stealing your girl.

"What?" Jake asked.

I have a couple classes with him. He doesn't look like one, but he's a huge fucking nerd. I mean, not in a bad way. Like I bully enough superheroes that I wouldn't even waste my time with this guy. I mean, he's kinda chill. I don't fucking know! Why the hell does he have such good grades when he got here after me? That's weird.

"Wait. You're Josie's brother?" he asked in disbelief.

I just stared blankly at him and took the seat across from his. "Most people say Josie's my sister, bro."

"She's best friends with my little sister. So annoying."

"Bro, not gonna lie, your sister's kinda hot. But yeah, together they're just," I said and made an exploding motion with my hands.

"Unbearable? Yeah," Jake said and laughed. "Like your sister's cute too, but she's kind of... I don't know how to say it. Kind of evil."

"Fucking mosquito is what she is. Anyways, man, enough about Josie," I was going to throw up if he didn't stop mentioning her. "I can't play football if I'm not pulling at least a B in math and science."

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