T. FOUR / "Wake Me Up When Saturday Ends"

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This was not in my bingo card for today. I mean, it probably should've been, knowing why we were going to Jaxon's game in the first place. But fuck, I was hoping for weird looking men dressed in black hoods coming to recruit him to be a villain.

The instinct came over immediately for Jaxon.

He ripped one of the barrier thingies out of the floor with a loud grunt before chucking it at the pair.

Law flipped away while Order dive rolled to the side. They narrowly avoided it.

I'm not going to lie, I think Jaxon and I were missing our nemesis.

Because the moment we met eyes, determination sank onto our faces. He put his helmet on, blocking his face, before raising his arm and pointing it at Order.

"Damn it, Jaxon," North said to nobody, barely audible before powering up her suit, helmet enveloping her face too. She turned to me. "Josie, you have to—" she starts, but just then a glare comes between us.

Jaxon's busy with Order while Law's got her light projections trained on us. I outrun it, splitting up from North until the three of us have the outside of the rink surrounded. Well, Jaxon's still on the ice.

I briefly watch Order and Jaxon fight for control as they both have telekinesis. But with Order's short-distance teleportation, he's able to dodge all of Jaxon's attacks.

When he least expects it, I send a shock of cyber chips his way. Jaxon's head whips to me, and all we do is nod, because I think we're both a little confused I defended him.

Standing up was a bad idea, because Law had to have seen me through the glass. The last thing I see before ducking is a stream of white light and then the glass above my head shatters. Shit, fuck, I can not be scratched up today! Not on this Saturday fucking evening!

It goes dark in the rink, and all sound dissipates. Nobody's here, I'm by myself, but I keep my breathing even anyway. That's when an inescapable blue light in the shape of a person comes from outside the rink. I almost pump my fist since North's drained the power. It leaves in a streak, so I'm sure she's just blasted it at Law, but then the lights come back on.

I realize a little too late how much that couldn't taken out of her. Instinctively, I avoid yelling her name, but it's Jaxon who yells out, "Suit!"

I'm the first one to run over to her, he can't anyway if the immediate, subsequent commotion with Order is anything to go off. Sadly it leaves me directly in Law's train of... well, light, and it hits me in my shoulder.

I almost— almost let out a wail at the pain, but I will myself to shut up as I kneel beside North sprawled out on the bleachers.

"Damn backup generators," she says, causing me to squint in anger.

I grab her and lead her somewhere Law can't see us, but knowing that bitch's powers it'll give us only a few moments of peace. "Get up! We have to keep fighting!"

"No," she says quickly. My eyebrows immediately draw in, but then I search her for injury. Thankfully her metal suit hasn't been penetrated, only minor gray scratches wearing off the paint. "You don't have your suit. Or a mask or— look, we'll be fine, but they cannot see your face, okay? You have to go, Cyber."

My breath seethes through my teeth. "Are you serious? You think she didn't?"

"Just go, Cyber! We'll handle this. I always have my suit, right?"

I don't budge though. I can't see her face behind her helmet, but I'm sure she's pissed as hell with me for not listening.

"Look, want me to prove it to you?" She don't wait before rolling a few feet away. She quickly stands and sends a stream of electricity from a chest plate. "This could last a while. It makes no sense for you to have your identity revealed," she heaves between dropping back down to the ground and narrowly missing a stream of light blasting through the wooden part underneath the glass.

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