I thought about saying no, about rebelling, but I was tired and after all the admittedly really bad things I'd done today, I didn't want to push any further. At least not tonight. So, hesitantly, I climbed to my feet and tiptoed after Nolan, intrigued as to why he wanted me to follow him.

If I was Honest Reuben, I'd say that I was pissing myself with anxiety watching Nolan's broad back sway and his huge shoulders tense. But I'm not Honest Reuben. Delusional Reuben wasn't scared at all. Nope. Okay maybe just a teeny-tiny bit.

Nolan led me into Daddy's room, and I was surprised to see Daddy already in there. He was standing beside the bed, large arms folded over his massive chest, green eyes guarded. I began bounding for him, wanting a hug or a kiss of reassurance, but Nolan stopped me.

"No. Right now, you are not allowed the luxury of his affection, not until you've taken your punishment and earned your forgiveness," Nolan denied me firmly, shaking his head. His words had my heart kicking up a fast, thumping rhythm in my chest and I looked back and forth between the two of them, confused.

"My punishment? I thought..." That they'd given up? That I would face no further consequences for my actions? That we'd all go to bed, Daddy would fuck me, Nolan would jerk off in his room, they'd be orgasm happy, forget this whole day ever happened, only to restart in the morning?

"You thought wrong, boy," Nolan glared at me and I began to cower. Was that... was that a twinge of regret beginning to slither uncomfortably down my spine?

"Today, you not only took it upon yourself to break the rules clearly defined between us, but you were disrespectful, you deliberately went out of your way to disrupt our day and the running of this home and you broke the promise you made to your Daddy that you would try your best. Not only have you disappointed us both, you seem to think that this kind of behaviour is funny and I'm telling you right now Reuben. It's not."

I peered at Daddy out of the corner of my eye, where he was standing, stoic, and that twinge of regret turned into a waterfall. Daddy looked so hurt and it was different from anger, it was as though he was just exhausted, with me. In pain. I liked his anger better. This was confronting. This was uncomfortable.

"Daddy I'm-" I began to apologise, but Nolan cut me off.

"No. You're not sorry. I should ban that word from leaving your lips until you truly understand its definition and the impact it has on another being when you utter it with the intention of lying. Without meaning it. No longer will it be acceptable to utter that word as your only means of retribution, but you will not be forgiven until you are punished and you earn it."

My head was spinning, my face was hot with shame and I didn't know where to look or what to say. Nolan was stipping me bare, emotionally, hanging me out to dry for all to see and I felt ugly and vulnerable standing before the two of them.

Nolan stepped forward and I barely resisted the urge I had to flinch back. I wasn't scared of him per say, this was all just... new and I felt unsure.

"Kneel and present, Reuben."

Once again I peered at Daddy, waiting for him to intervene or say something, but when he didn't, I slowly lowered to my knees, spreading them, resting back on my heels with my head bowed, my hands palm up on my thighs. Daddy hadn't made me do this in so long that I felt clumsy, ungraceful and embarrassed.

"Good boy. We're going to complete a scene now. You earned yourself a session of spanking," Nolan declared and I swallowed thickly, the burn in my cheeks, slowly travelling lower until I felt the thump of my heart in my stomach and groyne.

Their Boy Beloved [MxMxM] (Taming His Blaze Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now