CHAPTER 18- Who Was That

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"I'll ask again," Paintbrush muttered, their voice sounding a mix of unnerved and aggressive. "What're you doing in our cabin?"
MePad blinked. "Oh. Mr and Mrs Paintbrush. I'm sorry. We weren't... expecting you two to be in here."
Paintbrush and I exchanged a glance. I shifted uncomfortably.
"Well," I said, breaking the silence, "who were you expecting? I could go get-"
MePad raised his foot. "No need," he said quickly. "We just... have to go find them ourselves."
MePad nudged MePhone, who had been silent the whole time. He looked... traumatized? He stood up, and him and MePad walked out.
Paintbrush watched them go, all the while getting closer to me warily. After they left, Paintbrush turned to me.
"What was that about?" they asked, giving me a bewildered look. I shrugged and smirked.
"MePhone's not gonna wanna host for a while, I bet."
Paintbrush raised one eyebrow, looking at me quizzically. "What's that have to do with anything?"
I smiled again and sat down on a bed. "Wellll.... if he can't host, then we don't have to be scared of anything. We can't be separated; not for now, at least."
"I wasn't worried." Paintbrush sat next to me, causing me to faintly glow. We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute, then I remembered- my tic tac toe!
"Crap!" I exclaimed, jumping off the bed and racing to the door.
"What- where are you going?" they asked, getting up to follow me.
"My tic tac toe!!" I said, opening the door. I had to go! What if she responded? I was so late!
Paintbrush called after me, but I was quick on my feet. I skidded to a stop and looked up at the cloudy sky. The night was beginning to dwell over the mountains, and it wasn't long before the morning sun would warmly embrace the grassy plains. I quickly picked up the crayon and checked for a response- a small O in the lower left corner.
"Aha!" I declared, falling to my knees to reply. Paintbrush caught up with me finally and sat beside me.
"Oh. I forgot you were doing this," they said, smiling slightly.
"It's clearly very important to me if-"
"What the..?" I heard someone say behind me. I jolted and turned around,
A silhouette, darkened by the dimly lit shadows of the calm down corner. It was a woman of a small stature. I blinked, and before I knew it, she was gone! She seemed to disappear before my eyes. I glanced at Painty in alarm.
"What was that?" I asked, even though I knew they wouldn't have an answer for me. Like I predicted, they shrugged helplessly.
"It sounded like... but, no, she couldn't be back." They shook their head. "It doesn't make sense for her to come back and play a simple game."
I blinked slowly, lost. "Whaddya you mean?" I asked in confusion. They waved their hand dismissively but avoided eye contact with me.
"It's nothing. Why don't we go back to our cabin? I'm... tired."
With that, they stood up, leaving me dumbfounded by their sudden change in attitude. I stood up as well and took their hand. It was tense.
"Yeah," I murmured, a pit forming in my stomach. "Let's go home."
I had a bad feeling about who they suspected.

i didn't take almost a year to make this shut up... but no actually my life has been hectic and im finally dropping this at like 5 AM lmao. i have a test and 8th grade night tomorrow. i need sleep. anywho hope you enjoyed, sorry it was short, ill start pumping these hoes out like it's nothin soon!

--my bad y'all, veronika :3

Sending Xs and Os!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat