CHAPTER 14- Confusion

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MePhone was there, trying to calm the raging objects around him. "Please, please."
Paintbrush looked stunned. Test Tube, on the other hand, looked furious. "Why did you leave?! We waited months for you to come back, and you come back with a cracked screen and an attitude!" she screamed, trying to fight through the crowd to probably punch him.
MePhone was desperately trying to get out of the crowd, but even people from Hotel OJ were there. It was inescapable.
Breaking through the raging mob, I stood next to him and raked my gaze around the objects, who'd gone dead silent. Were they waiting for me to speak?
"MePhone's obviously been through a lot. I wouldn't want to face down Cobs either, because I'm guessing that's what happened based on your appearance." I looked at him and, wordlessly, he nodded.
"So leave him alone. MePad will be happy to see him, I'm sure. Let him through." I glared at Bomb and he stood back. Was it really this easy?
MePhone glanced at me gratefully and walked out of the horde, who'd glare but stay silent.
"Thanks," he mumbled as he left.
Once he was gone, I grabbed Paintbrush, Fan, and Test Tube and walked away.
"Tube, can we go in the lab?" I asked, not looking back at her.
"Uh, yeah, I guess."
I walked to the soda machine and put in the code, and we got sucked into the secret entrance.
Once we were inside, I sat down on one of the beds, covering my face in anger. "Why'd he have to come back now? Everything was perfect until he showed up."
I looked up, disturbed by the silence that followed my rage. Paintbrush was glaring at Test Tube, who'd been leaning on Fan, seemingly lost in thought. Then she spoke.
"What if he came back for another reason? Maybe it wasn't to start the show up again."
Even Paintbrush stared at her in confusion. "What? Why would he come back?"
She glanced at Paintbrush. "It's not clear, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that he had a fight with Cobs."
I nodded. Fan looked unconvinced.
"Are we really sure that's what's with him? I mean, he'd never thank you, Lighty. His pride is too.. y'know. He's too egotistical."
Defiantly I looked at him. "Like you know him so well."
"Actually, I do. I AM the #1 fan of Inanimate Insanity, and don't forget that."
I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yeah, we know man. But what does his thanking me have to do with the fact that he's back for another reason? What would he even want from us other than to continue the show?"
Test Tube cleared her throat. "Maybe he needed an escape. From Cobs. I.. I don't know. I've been through similar and I acted softer too, after. Maybe that's why.. he thanked you, Lightbulb. He didn't get mad. He seemed.. tired."
Fan, Painty, and I fell silent.
"He seemed tired," Fan repeated softly.
"He did seem tired," Painty agreed. "Maybe he just needs to recover, Tube. There's no need to analyze everything like you usually do."
Test Tube cut them a glare. "LAST time I analyzed, I ended up doing our team a great favor. Plus, if he did fight Cobs-"
As I silently watched them have a dispute over nothing, I got angrier and angrier. Couldn't we have ONE moment where they didn't fight?
"Why are you both arguing over this?" I spat, taking everyone by surprise.
Painty tried to defend themself. "Test Tube-"
"We're NOT going to get anywhere by arguing among ourselves. Test Tube, Paintbrush, if you can't get over your past fights, I don't know if I want to be around you both anymore," I yelled, releasing all the pent-up anger I'd had for days.
Test Tube, Painty, and Fan stood in shocked silence and I locked my gaze on the floor, realizing what I'd said. Fan started to speak.
"Lightbulb, are you-"
"Goodnight, Fan."
And I left the lab, silent tears streaming down my face.

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