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For the remaining days, Mattie and I stayed here. My brother was doing okay but don't ask me to explain a thing, I don't understand how races work but I know he made it to the finals.

He looks happy. At the beginning, I always wondered if he would ever go back to being himself ever again. It made me wanna burn every single person who hurt him. I sure as hell would punish anyone who ever thinks of hurting him.

"Drinks on me tonight. I know I don't drink but you guys can get drunk on my behalf." He said as we walked back to the hotel we were staying.

"I'll drink on your behalf. Don't worry little brother." I said and smiled. "You do know I'm older than you right? By two whole years."

"Whatever." The elevator doors opened and Ali froze. I looked back at him to see him staring at something in front. Then I looked in the elevator and saw a woman looking back at him.

"You good?" Mattie asked. Ali just nodded and went towards the stairs. "Hey! You about to walk to the eleventh floor?" I asked.

"Ali!" The woman called. "Excuse me, who are you and why are you calling my brother?" I asked. Her eyes went wide when she met mine. Who the hell is she?

"I'm sorry. I must have confused him with someone else." She said and quickly left. "You take the elevator I'll follow Ali and meet you in our room, alright?" Mattie said and I nodded.

That was definitely weird. Do they know each other? And how? So many questions were on my mind the whole way up to our room.

They had not reached yet so I went in and waited for them in the living room. I switched on the TV to distract me as I paced waiting for them. After another 45 minutes of pacing, they showed up.

"Are you okay?" I asked my brother as soon as he entered the room. "No, but I'll be fine. Don't worry about me Ava." He said.

"Of course I worry about you Ali. Are you in trouble? I can help if you are?" I offered. Of course I'll help. I'll have to be dead to abandon Ali but even then, I'm sure I'll haunt those who hurt him if I was a ghost.

"I'm not in trouble Ava! That was my mother. She reached out after the court case and I've been ignoring her ever since. I've been fine for 16 years without her."

I swallowed. He never ever once spoke about his mother. He even grew up looking up to my mom like his own. Heck Ali calls her mom all the time. I've never asked about his real mom, not because I don't care about Ali, but because it's a sour topic for him.

How do you ask someone about their mother who decided it's better to abandon her kid because her husband said so? I didn't know how to ask him. But looks like he's been handling it well.

"Do you wanna talk to her?" I asked. I can't make decisions for him, that's something he has to do by himself.

"If I wanted, I would have reached out years ago. Obviously I don't so that's why I'm ignoring her. I don't know how she knew which hotel we're staying at. I need a favor Matt."

"Anything. You mention it and I'll handle it." My boyfriend said. "I want your guards to make sure she stays away from me. If she tries anything, call the cops on her. Okay!"

"Sure. I'll do that right away." Ali then sent Mattie a photo of his mother and my boyfriend sprang into action. Calling his guards and the once Ace left behind for us.

We had dinner together, the three of us, and instead of going out, Ali slept early, had to be relaxed for tomorrow's finals. Mattie and I just watched princess diaries again and then dozed off.


Today is the finals. My brother looks more relaxed than ever. Mattie assured us that the mother situation is handled. She was issued a fake restraining order and that should keep her away for a while.

My boyfriend on the other hand, looks a bit bothered. Since he came back from rescuing our other boyfriend, he has been out of it. I've been meaning to ask but I've learnt that personal space is good when someone is going through something.

Whenever he's ready, he'll let me know.

"Samira was kicked out. We just had a meeting a few minutes ago. She was issued a last warning and they made sure she got on a flight back to her home." Mattie said.

Well Mattie did say, if she was caught she would be blacklisted from ever attending the rallies and any other sport event. I thought he was bluffing.

"I'll check up on her to see if she's okay." I quickly texted both her and her friend. When I got no response I assumed they must have already boarded the plane.

The announcer announced the racers who made it to the finals and people cheered. Ali looked a bit nervous. I mean I guess he should, he's racing against his all time favorite racers.

The route today was thrice longer than for the last three days. I have faith in him though. If he doesn't get first place he'll be angry for a while. Let's just say, I hope he gets the first place because an angry Ali is one I don't wanna see.

While the race was going on, I did send Ace a few text. After a while he stopped replying. I can't imagine how he's feeling. Mattie explained that someone keeps destroying their dad's first businesses.

I know it means something to them so I understand they must be super pissed with whoever it was. And Elijah was making it harder for them because he wasn't saying a word.

I hope they get answers so he gets back to me as soon as possible. I terribly miss him.

I visited my grandma for two days that's why I didn't update. She hates when people use phones and she doesn't even have WiFi🤦🏽‍♀️anyway here's an update.

You see any grammatical errors, no you don't. No.You.Don't.

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