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The interviews were finally over and the fun is just beginning. I love the thrill of the races, I don't even know who likes it more, the racers or me. But the thrill is all the same.

All racers finally landed yesterday and we've been keeping sponsors busy with exclusive shows and music. I had to fly in a musician who was requested by a sponsor late last night. Keep the money people happy and you'll be rewarded.

But it is good for business. So far I've seen a few sponsored interested in Ali and my company. Maybe, just maybe, something good will come out of this. But rich people are snobs, biggest snobs. I never want to be like that because of money.

But deep down, even with all this thrill, I just can't help but feel sadness and darkness creeping on me. I haven't spoken to Ava about it and I can feel her suspecting I'm hiding something.

We said no more secrets. Just a few days ago she had a mental breakdown about Ace keeping secrets and here I am. But I don't want to tell her. I don't know how she'll take it. I don't want to taint her with my darkness.

"I talked with your brother. He agreed to have an interview with that YouTube Vlogger. Tell her to meet you and then I'll take you guys to him." She just smiled.

Ace slipped to go handle a phonecall. He has been restless. Someone torched up another of his dad's business. Elijah is still held captive and he refuses to talk. So Ace is restless and he blames himself about everything.

"Where's Ace? He promised me he would be here!" Ava said pouting. I quickly shot Ace a text before looking at her.

"He'll be here Love." I assured her and held her hand. I looked down from where we were seated and heard people screaming as the racers got in their cars.

"You did good babe. This is more than we expected." Ava said. We had been nervous for a while. With everything about Ali's case and mine and the whole news about us being polygamous.

We thought that it would be a disaster. I even thought this would be the least attended rally in the history of rallies but I was shocked to receive news that people are flying in from all over the world.

Hotels in France are full to the point where people are charging people to stay in their houses as air BnB's. Tickets sold out we had to charge people extra at the gate.

"I know. I'm shocked too Love. I didn't think it would be like this. I thought no one would show up and that's why I was trying so hard to impress the sponsors."

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts because we're about to take you for the ride of your life. I don't think I need to introduce this people you already know them but I'm being told I have to tell you people about ALI MUHAMMAD COPPER."

"That's right people, he is back, he is better like he never left. And he deserves a better scream than what you're giving him." The crowd went wild while the screen showed Ali waving at everyone.

"He looks so happy. I hope he remains like that all the time." Ava said. Just then, Ace came back and sat next to Ava. She looked at him deciding whether to hold his hand or be mad at him.

"What did I miss." He asked looking between us. "Nothing, much. He just announced Ali's come back and they just got in the cars." I answered.

The place was quiet before the horn blew and people yelled while cars took off. All over there were screens showing us the routes they would take.

"Where do you keep disappearing to. Are you hiding something from me?" She asked. I feel like we haven't done enough to reassure Ava that she only belongs to us and she owns us.

"No baby. Someone keeps messing with our businesses and Angél needs my help but I promised you I'll be here. So I keep disappearing to answer phonecalls."

She didn't say anything. She just kept focusing on the screens and grinned. Ace looked at me with defeated eyes. I'll just be honest and say, sometimes it's hard to understand women.

The first round came to an end and so did the second. Ali came in second place and I know he wasn't pleased. But at least he made it to the next round. I'm sure it's been long since he drove but he seemed kinda frustrated.

Ava called Samira and she came running. She was right, it's cute seeing a girl with a crush on someone. We gave them a private room and stood outside there like guards watching out. If she's caught, she'll be thrown out and blacklisted from ever attending this events.

She should have registered as a journalist even if she's alone. But the problem is, there are only a limited number of vloggers allowed in here. Those whom their channels have almost a million subscribers.

Samira has only 3k subscribers and even though it's impressive she did it alone, if they catch her, she'll never set foot anywhere again. I just hope she knows what she's doing and she doesn't get Ali in trouble.

"So how will you help your brother when you're here? Maybe you should go and help him, get info from Elijah alone? Maybe he'll talk to you."

"I can. But I promised you that I..." She cut him off. "It's important I understand, it's about business and this seems like something you should follow on. Go babe, help your brother out and then once you're done, come back to us okay."

She was caressing his cheek and he was leaning on her palm without him knowing. It was sweet watching him do that. He kissed her and then looked at her again for reassurance and she nodded.

He then kissed me before taking out his phone and calling Angél. He walked away while calling him and then turned around one final time and waved.

"Thank you so much Ali. It was very sweet of you to agree to this. Once I post it I'll send you a link and maybe you can watch?" Samira, her friend and Ali came out a few minutes later.

"Yeah okay. I'll remind you incase you forget?" He scratched the back of his neck and she blushed. "Okay sure. Bye!" She said with a little wave and he waved back.

Ava and I just smiled while Ali yelled at us. We didn't say nothing, he just proved he has a crush on her. Have they ever met before today? I guess we'll never know.

He's right, we'll never know for sure if Ali and Samira have met before😉 Anyway here's another update.

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