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"Now, where were we?" I asked. Acting like nothing happened. They seemed lost in their own world before Ace sipped holding eye contact with me.

"I have something to say." Ava said. Ooh dear me, I might have spoken too soon.

"I have made a decision." I felt air being knocked out of my lungs after she said that.

What if she doesn't want us anymore. Or what if she wants Ace alone. I can't survive without them. Or what if she wants me alone. I cannot survive without Ace.

As if sensing my panic, Ava held my hand and Ace's too. She looked at me and reassuring me with her eyes. Then looked at Ace and smiled.

"I can't keep hiding anymore. A friend once told me, that it doesn't matter if I'm polygamous or not. My family already hates me enough for who I am. And denying myself what I want won't make them suddenly forget about my sexuality and embrace me."

"And I realized that friend of mine was right. I'm still Ava. I will still be Ava and in all the universes, in all the lifetimes, I'll still be me, whether I'm gay, bi or polygamous."

"So with that said. I'm willing to give us a chance but under two conditions. One, we start slow. Very very slow. And by slow I mean no kissing untill after what, the seventh date?"

She said looking at Ace. Who clenched his jaw and looked away but holding Ava's hand tight. I can do the no sexual contact rule. I behave better than Ace.

Physical, emotional and mental contacts in a relationship are important to me more than sexual contacts. Of course I love sex. Hell if I could unleash the beast in me, I'm sure my sexual desires and lust are above Ace's.

But if my girl wants no sexual contact, then I'll happily masturbate to her mental image in my head or get head from my angry boyfriend.

"We should get to know each other better outside the bedroom too. Coz for one, I only know your names and what you do for a living. I know your lives are displayed on the media, but I've never looked into them."

"I know only what makes the headlines. I know behind the tabloids you're each your own persons with different likes and dislikes and I want to know them."

She's right. And I know Ace knows that too even though he won't say it.

"We will be polygamous and the only way for this to work is through communication which brings me to number two."

She paused and took a deep breath.

"Trust. Break my trust and I'll easily be gone before you can even blink. I've been hurt in the past. I easily trust people and they often break it. So please I'll ask right now, if you're sure you might perhaps break my trust, tell me now and I'll walk away and you'll never see me."

She said. Looking between both of us. Then both our eyes settled on Ace who wasn't looking at us. He was clearly lost in his own thoughts.

"We promise you love, we will not let you down." He said before kissing her hand and smiled at her and me.

But looking at him I could see something was troubling him. I could see the wheels turn in his head about something. Something he hasn't shared with me yet.

Ava looked at me for reassurance and I kissed her hand and nodded. Then she clapped her hands and continued eating.

We continued talking about everything and nothing but I could see Ace was having a hard time listening to whatever we were saying.

Skipping dessert since we were full, I handled the bill while Ace and Ava waited outside for me. As I was on my way out someone stopped me.

"Mr Edwards can I have a word?" I looked at him, trying to recall if I know him but came up with nothing.

"Is it true that you and your boyfriend Ace Knight are in a relationship with the Lawyer Ava Cooper?" What in God's name is he on.

"I'm sorry. Why does it concern you again?" I asked. Tilting my head while looking at him.

"We have received Intel from a reliable source saying so. You two share women on occasions. Is she a permanent partner or just a fling?" The audacity.

Before I could answer, I heard Ace's voice.

"What my boyfriend and I do in our bedroom, doesn't concern you. I don't know who your bloody source is but I'm suing you and your goddamn filthy company. Ava is a lawyer and she will win the case if she takes it."

"Publish anything about me and my partners and I'll be the last face you see. Report me for threatening you and that will be the last you ever use your mouth. Now fuck off before I knock off your filthy teeth."

He said with so much venom in his voice. Ace doesn't threaten people. That's more of Angel. He's the violent one while Ace is the peace keeper.

He held my hand and we walked out. Ava was in the car already on the passengers side. Patiently waiting for us.

"I won't ask infront of Ava. But whatever that was, by the time we get home, I need a bloody explanation. Now hand me the keys."

He didn't argue and gave me the keys and sat at the back seat while I drove Ava home. Ava slept through the journey while Ace was in his thoughts.

I love that he stood up for us but I didn't like how violent he sounded. He was minutes , no, seconds away from bashing the reporters head to the nearest wall.

When we got to Ava's apartment, Ace carried her all the way to her house. Her brother Ali was home and opened the door for us.

While Ace took her to her room, Ali and I talked about the latest Lewis Hamilton's race. Ali was nearly as good as Lewis but he had a long way to go if he wanted to be a legacy like Lewis.

Ace then came back after changing her and placing her under her covers and we left.

He better be ready to talk coz I'm not letting it go.

Happy reading 😊

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