Chapter Five - Bittersweet

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Time Jump

William finally proposed to Kate! Of course as I had predicted she said yes and now the world knew. I had Anastasia release a statement from me congratulating them and carried on with being in my third year of University and no longer a teenager. When I came back from class and into my dorm room Catherine was sat on my bed.

"Catherine!" I chime dropping my things on my desk "You're here." I hugged her which she returned in earnest.

"As much as love that you're here, why are you here?" I wondered as we both sat down

"I wanted to give you something she brought a box from behind her and handed it to me. I shuffled apart and opened it with intrigue. There was an embossed card on top

"Will you be my bridesmaid? Really?" she nodded

"Pippa being my sister is my maid of honour but I wanted you to have a special part as a bridesmaid. It would mean the world to me. Your like my second sister." she replied which made me feel beyond words could describe.

"Catherine. I would love to be your bridesmaid." I look through the box and see that she put some other gifts inside. "Can I?" I held out my hand and she gave me hers where my mothers ring sat proudly.

"It's a little weird seeing on a different hand." I admitted "I remember when she would put me to bed, she would read the stories of Narnia and I would play with her ring. At this point my parents had separated but she still wore it. She used to tell me that one day I would wear a better ring than hers and it would stay there forever. I am glad that William has you and that you wear her ring."

"Just that it will take some getting used to?" I nodded wiping away the tears "I promise I will take care of it." I tapped her hand

"I know you will."

-3rd Person-

William travelled to his home in Sheepscombe, his siblings weren't here but his Parents where. He bustled about the house and brought in hot drinks for everyone.

"It nice to have you home sweetheart, I thought you'd be getting things ready for the premier." Juliet took the cup from him as did his father. Then he sat himself down and got himself comfy.

"Or that you'd be with Aurora." Peter added to his son.

"It was about Aurora that I wanted to talk to you about, actually." Liam warmed his hands around the warm much he was holding "I was thinking about proposing to her. I've been thinking about it for a while actually." he admitted

"Wow, that is a big step." Juliet voiced "Are you sure you haven't been dating long, you haven't even moved in together."

"I'm planning to ask her to move in but I'm also planning to ask her to marry me. Why aren't happy? I found someone i want to spend the rest of my life with, whether we get married soon or later. My feelings haven't changed." he didn't see why they weren't jumping for joy at the prospect of marrying the woman he loves.

"We're happy for you, we are." Peter replied "But what about your career? What about you want to do? Is she going to give up her title for you? Or are you going to get one for her? Have you really thought about this?"

"I have. Depending on when i asked her and when we would get married, I'm willing to stop acting. Take on royal duties with her, if she's okay with that and her family of course. I can still do projects up until then, and I haven't done a lot of things for the proposal. I just know that I want to do it." Peter and Juliet look to one another then back to their son.

"Well your an adult now, we've guided you the best we can. So there is nothing we can do to stop you. But have you talked to Aurora about it? Does she even want to get married."

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