Entry #5

19 2 0

Word Count: 3,199

I'm terrible sorry for not posting!!! I got caught up with school 🎒📚.


Your POV

You sigh and wait for your nose to stop bleeding. You hear Jay and Tim talking and placing things down in the living room.

You stop pinching your nose, but you're still bleeding. You see Tim pass by then walk backwards into the kitchen. He has a confused look on his face.

" I am trying to stop my nose from bleeding Tim. "

You say as you stop pinching your nose which is slightly bleeding now. He nods and walks towards you.

" Thank you for letting me and Jay stay here.. "

He said as he looked away awkwardly. You nod and stop pinching your nose. You finally stopped bleeding.

" Your welcome. "

You say as you stand up and blow your nose.

" Why'd you have a nose bleed? "

Tim asked crossing his arms over his chest.

" They happen frequently after I go to the doctor..It's cause of a medical condition I have..I still don't understand why it happens. "

You say as you wipe your nose and throw away the tissue. He nodded and handed you another tissue.

" Thanks. "

Then you blew your nose again.

" Your welcome. "

He said with a slight smile. Tim then walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

After you got all of the blood out of your nose you went to the living room. Tim and Jay were talking about something, but stopped as you entered the room.

" I have one extra bedroom, and that couch bed. "

You say pointing at it. Tim and Jay looked at each other.

" I say I take the bedroom and you take the couch bed. "

Jay said as he put the camera down.

" Why do you get the bedroom? "

Tim asked Jay.

" Well because I paid for the last room. "

Jay said as he put his hands on his hips. Tim shook his head.

" We went half and half, but you ended up pay 40% for the room, Jay. "

Tim said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

" Just because I have less money doesn't mean I can't take the bed, Tim. "

Jay said as he looked at the floor. Tim shook his head.

" I have a job. "

Tim says with a smirk. Jay opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

" (Y/N), who do you think should get the room? Be honest. "

Tim Wright × Brian Thomas × Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now