"Why didn't you tell me you had those pictures."

"You didn't ask me."

"ARGHH!!! I HATE THAT PHRASE! I HATE IT WHEN YOU SAY THAT! YOU NEVER TELL ME ANYTHING UNLESS I HAD TO PRY IT OUT OF YOU. I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU. GET OUT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU! I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT YOU." Rebecca screamed at Freen. Everything was too much for Rebecca handle all in that moment. Freen's eyes glistened as she looked at Rebecca silently and walked out of the dressing room. She closed the door quietly but it echoed loudly in Rebecca's heart. After a few moments, Nam knocked on to their dressing room and entered. She saw Rebecca crying her eyes out in the corner of the room.

"Freen didn't deserve that. Yes, she should have told you but you're taking it all out on her when she only wanted to help you. Why are you so angry at her? Nop and Winnie are the main culprit and you didn't even blast them as much as you did to Freen."

-"I...I know. I couldn't help myself. I...I'm angry at myself and I took it out on her. I'm so sorry." Whimpered Becky as she rocked her self back and forth. 

"Why are you angry? Besides Nop and Winnie, that's a given but it seems like you're angrier at something else."

"I'm angry at...this will sound silly, but I am angry at how I owe...her...again. She has done so so so much for me, selflessly giving again and again that I don't think I can ever repay her. I don't want to keep owing her. I just want for once in my life to be able to take care of my own problem without her assistance. I wanted to be the one that gave instead of take. I got angry at her for taking that chance away. I am angry because it seems like she doesn't need me.

I am angry because she never shares anything with me. I'm scared that our relationship isn't going anywhere. I'm scared that she wouldn't want to be with me because my life is so messy. My past is so messy."

"Oh sweetie, I'm glad you know how absurd you sound. Relationships aren't like that, you can't keep a tally of who did what. I'm sure that there are things you did for Freen that are equal to all the things she did for you, otherwise why would Freen stay with you and still be with you? Everybody has a past, why would you think that Freen would care about that?
You can say that Freen is very cold but she is actually very observant and has deep emotions. She may not express it but she understands. She's not a talker but if you ask her, she has never hesitated in not telling you nor has she ever lied to you. Just because you have to initiate doesn't mean she doesn't care. Talk to her! Don't shut her out because she doesn't know how to express herself." Nam defended Freen.

"You're right...is Freen outside? Could you please ask her to come in, I would like to apologize to her."

"She left already. She went straight to her car and drove off."

"Huh? Oh. I'll call her." Rebecca grabbed her phone and dialed Freen's number and she could hear the buzz in the dressing room. Freen left her phone in the dressing room. What Rebecca thought would be a brief break between her and Freen turned to hours. Freen went missing in action the entire day and the director was livid at Freen's lack of professionalism. Fortunately, there were other scenes that had to be filmed and they were able to accomplished that without Freen's part. Split between worrying about Freen and the proof of Nop's infidelity being released to the press, Rebecca had a difficult time concentrating on her acting. She spent the rest of the day thinking about Freen and worried that she had taken her words literally, but there was nothing she could do until she was done work.

After work, Rebecca quickly changed and made a mad dash to Freen's condo without taking any precaution against the possibility that the paparazzi might be following her to Freen's place. She hadn't even taken the time to wash the make up off her face before she jumped into the Grab vehicle and told the driver to drive as fast as she can. Freen's condo was in pitched dark when Rebecca unlock the front door with no trace of Freen had ever returned home. Rebecca made herself at home and waited all night hoping that Freen would return home so they could talk, but Freen never did. 

Rebecca cried herself to sleep that night. 


Rebecca's thoughts: It's been twenty four hours... where did you go P'Freen? Come back to me, please! I didn't mean for you to get out of my life forever. I didn't mean to yell at you. 

You can't just leave and never come back right? We have a drama series to film. You are my partner, my girlfriend, my heart, mine...
Come back. 

On the third day, Rebecca still hadn't heard back from Freen nor had she seen her in person. She had went back to her parents house on the second day of Freen going radio silent because she hated the silence and sleeping alone in an empty house. Everything corner of Freen's condo was full of memories of their time together and it made her miss Freen even more. She had left her parent's place around 5am in the morning so that she could arrive at the offsite resort scheduled for her filming. She wasn't sure if there would even be any filming today since since all her scenes today had Freen in it, ironically the scenes she was scheduled to film was conflict between the character Mon and Khun Sam, where Sam is mad and disappointed in Mon for rejecting her proposal. 

Rebecca's thoughts: Sigh... I don't even know what to say if she doesn't show up. 


A/N: Would you be mad? If you were Becky would you be grateful? Or would you be mad because she keeps on doing things without consulting with you, keeping things from you because you didn't ask. 

This is the most I've written and published in such a short amount of time, I'm going to take a break for a bit. Please wait next week for another chapter of Freen & Becky. 

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