It's my fault ( L! Youngseo X F!Reader )

Start from the beginning

-(Next Day)-

I woke up by the sound of my stupid alarm. Later on, I quickly go out of bed and got ready for work.

While I was getting dressed I smiled because of the thought of Youngseo, but then it faded away after thinking about what I was gonna do today.

I found myself already walking down the stairs and saw Minju eating breakfast.

Since I don't really eat Moa's food, I wanted to eat it today.

So I sat across from Minju and grabbed a plate. "You're eating for once?" She asked in a surprised voice.

I nodded and ate my food. "Wow, you're really taking this seriously." Minju aye a couple of bites and stood up to wash her dishes.

"It's not like I fell out of love, it's just that I don't want to ruin Seo's life with me all over her personal space bubble." I explained to her.

She nodded and soon she slipped on her shoes and left the house.

I was the only one in here, Moa and Yewon went to their college, Roha went to school, Minju had to go to the Hybe building.

Then there's me, I have work to do. I took my time and ate breakfast, but when I looked at the time I realized that I am about to be late.

I quickly washed the dishes and speed walked to the cafe.

"What am I gonna do today?" I thought to myself.

I kept talking to myself the whole way there and quickly arrived.

Thank goodness they didn't open the cafe yet. The bells on the doors rang as I entered the cafe.

"Good morning everyone!" I greeted as usual.

I walked pass Youngseo to grab my apron. "You're late?" She said to me.

"I'm somewhat on time." I said back to her.

Youngseo's pov-

That's weird, Y/n usually interrupts my breakfast and says good morning to me....

Did they FINALLY move on?!! I did a little celebration while no one was looking.

My day went by smoothly because Y/n wasn't all up in my face.

They were actually focused and helped a lot of customers more than usual.

It honestly felt weird not having Y/n bugging you 24/7, but... it's technically freedom for me!

While the both of us were on break, we were in the staff room just sitting there eating peacefully.

We sat away from each other and there was this huge space of air that wasn't filled up.

The silence was a bit too loud that I had to break it. "Sooo did you decide to give up on me?" I asked them.

Y/n turned to me while munching on their sandwich. "I guess you could say that, I just don't want you to be uncomfortable when you're with me."

We continued to look at each other, but since I can't have eye contact for long, I broke the connection between our eyes.

I guess they were serious about this. I actually kinda wanted to keep talking to them but it felt awkward really fast.

After our little break, we went back to work. A couple of days went by and Y/n still kept acting like this.

"Youngseo!! Can you grab more cups from the storage room?!" My manager yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes sir!" I said to him. I walked out from the counter and went to the storage room.

It was kinda dark, a little spooky but it wasn't bad. "Aish which shelf did he say? There's like soooo many!!" I talked to myself.

While looking around I finally found the cups that my manager needed. I didn't know how many he needed so I took the whole box.

Honestly the box was really heavy. When I reached the door I was struggling to open it.

But someone had opened the door. "You should've taken me with you if gonna struggle that much." Y/n took the box out of my arms and carried it like it was nothing.

"Well why would I ask you when you've been literally ignoring me for a couple of days now?" I argued with Y/n.

They stopped their tracks and turned to me. "Then ask someone else!" They yelled.

"You're still the same, you probably still like me." I said to them.

"What are you gonna do if I still have feelings for you? What are you gonna do when I literally stopped being weird to you just because I actually care about you? What are you gonna do about me liking you for 3 years?" Y/n ranted while I listened to them.

Oh, so they still like me but yet stopped because they cared about me.

"I'm sorry." I quietly said to Y/n. "For what exactly, it's not your fault for rejecting me all of these years."

"No I mean by I'm sorry because you've changed around me just because I don't have feelings for you. It kinda hurts to see you looking depressed... it's my fault." I answered them.

"What can I do to make you happy again?" I asked them.

Y/n finally smiled. "Hang out with me after work!" They quickly said and ran off.

"Yah you can just leave me! Be careful you're carrying a box!" I yelled.

I don't really plan on making a part 2 but if you guys want it then you guys can say something! Also I'm very sorry for the person who requested this, my schedule has been tight lately :(

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