Shu Shuishui inspected the car’s interior, noticing that the decorations were clearly geared towards a younger aesthetic. After a brief search, he jumped out of the car and onto the smooth road. He glanced around and headed toward the next vehicle.

After examining four consecutive cars, Shu Shuishui realized that the people inside, whether drivers or passengers, whether male or female, all exhibited signs of aging. Moreover, the appearance and attire of the deceased didn’t match. The situation of the female driver in the red outfit earlier wasn’t an exception; most of the deceased had mismatched appearances and attire.

Now the little dormouse was getting a bit perplexed. What was going on? Why did it seem like the vitality of the people here had been drained in an instant? Shu Shuishui had seen horror movies while trembling with Shu Bao, and he had witnessed such life-draining creatures in them, but those only existed in movies.

Pretending to be composed, Shu Shuishui extended his paw to smooth down his ruffled fur, reassuring himself that monsters were just lies and didn’t exist! He was a determined successor to socialist mice, and the world was scientific.

As a not-so-scientific scientific dormouse, he aimlessly moved between the scattered vehicles in various directions, going quite a distance without sensing any signs of life. Apart from the vehicles, bodies started appearing on the sides of the road and even on the streets.

The bodies were in disarray, dressed in different clothes and styles, but without exception, they all appeared to be in an elderly state.

The world was eerily quiet, as if the entire city had perished. Shu Shuishui even discovered a deceased pet dog under a flowerbed by the road. The plants in the flowerbed had withered long ago. Even the trees that lined the streets were not spared. All forms of life seemed to have their vitality taken away in an instant.

As Shu Shuishui stood under a tree, gazing at a deceased old bird on its branches, a sudden mobile phone ringtone echoed from somewhere in the desolate city!

This startled Shu Shuishui, who instantly climbed up the tree and used both paws to hold a bare twig, attempting to shield himself. Due to Shu Shuishui’s movements, the withered dead bird on the tree branch swayed and fell to the ground, its head dropping downwards. Shu Shuishui could even hear a crisp sound from beneath the tree.

After the phone ringtone had chimed for a moment, the city remained eerily still. Shu Shuishui followed the sound source and discovered that it was coming from the briefcase of a formally dressed individual lying on the side of the road.

The little dormouse moved aside the twig that had been in front of his face and looked around. Apart from the phone ringing, everything seemed unchanged from before.

This sole variable was filled with unknowns and allure. Shu Shuishui hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to investigate. After all, up to this point, he still hadn’t figured out what had occurred and what he needed to do.

Releasing his paws from the twig, the bare branch swung freely in the windless world. Shu Shuishui agilely descended the tree trunk, landing softly on the ground. He then extended his paw to reposition the fallen bird, which had tumbled upside down. Only after this did he proceed sneakily toward the source of the mobile phone ringtone.

Upon arriving at the intended destination, the phone was still ringing incessantly. The formally dressed man’s face was turned towards the ground, and his body had crashed down, with one-third of his briefcase pressed beneath him.

Shu Shuishui grabbed a corner of the briefcase and tried to pull it out. The briefcase moved a bit, but at the same time, the body also shifted slightly. Shu Shuishui instinctively let go of his grip, carefully observing for a moment. He realized that the person had fallen with a firm grasp on the briefcase, never letting go even in death.

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