Chapter 21: Breakfast in Bed

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, Tanya. I didn't mean to frighten you," Ronny apologized. "Um... if it's any consolation, I brought you breakfast in bed." He flashed her a sheepish smile and glanced over at the plate. Luckily, he had dropped it on the plush surface of the bed, where the breakfast didn't spill. He thoughtlessly placed her on the dish, then mentally kicked himself at the realization that a Giant's plate was the last place Tanya would want to be after dreaming of being eaten alive.

Tanya recovered quickly, however, and recognized she was safe from danger. Her hammering heart slowed down and she felt like she could breathe again. She saw the tiny breakfast that Ronny made for her, and her heart melted with gratitude at the sweet gesture. Here Ronny was trying to be so nice, and she had freaked out on him like he was some sort of monster. She felt bad for fearing him, even though she couldn't help it. "That was very nice of you, Ronny," she remarked. "Thank you."

Ronny smiled, staying kneeled down next to the bed so he wouldn't tower over the human and frighten her. Tanya sat cross-legged on the plate and started to eat. Ronny figured he ought to get up and get ready for work, and he craved a cup of coffee, but he wanted to stay with Tanya for a moment first. He was fascinated by her. She looked so adorable as she ate delicate little bites. The strawberry bits that he thought he cut small enough looked like big slices of red toast in her microscopic hands as she nibbled on them.

Ronny cleared his throat. "So, Tanya," he began, "Did you want to come to work with me? I work a boring office job, so you could hang out with me all day in my cubicle. Or would you feel safer staying in my apartment until I get home?"

Tanya pondered the question in her mind. She imagined being in Ronny's pocket, or sitting on his shoulder while he worked, and she felt a pleasing warmth inside her. However, she was certain that Ronny worked around other Giants, and the idea of being around other huge people who might take the opportunity to snatch her up and eat her terrified her.

"I'd prefer to stay here, if that's okay," Tanya admitted. "I'm not ready to be around other Giants yet. They scare me."

Ronny nodded with understanding. "Okay." He winced with embarrassment, knowing that poor Tanya would be alone in his filthy apartment all day, with no human accommodations, but he didn't have much of a choice. At least she'd be safe.

Ronny stood back up to his full height and started getting ready for work. He carried Tanya into the bathroom and gave her some privacy while he changed into his suit in the bedroom. He poured himself a cup of coffee, melting into hot, dark bliss as he imbibed a healthy draught that heated his core. He rejoined Tanya in the bathroom and groomed his hair and teeth so he looked presentable. He felt bad, not having any human toiletries for Tanya, but she would have to manage without for a day or so until he could buy her some. Ronny was so deep in thought he didn't notice Tanya staring up at him, enamored by his sharp, handsome, well-dressed appearance.

Once he was ready to go, he whisked Tanya away to the living room and set her on the couch. He poured some water into a bottle cap for her and left snacks out so she wouldn't go hungry. He stacked up some books and miscellaneous objects alongside the couch so she could climb down or back up as needed. He turned on the TV for her so she would have at least something for entertainment, lowering the volume and setting the remote next to the food and water on the couch cushion.

"Is there anything else you can think of that you might need?" Ronny asked, kneading his hands as he stood over her.

Tanya examined her surroundings. "I think this will do," she answered. She smiled up at Ronny and her heart fluttered. She was charmed by his kindness in taking care of her every possible need.

Ronny crouched down to her level and brushed her cheek with the tip of his index finger. She gripped his finger with her small hands and rubbed it in a gesture of appreciation. "Look... I'm sorry that this is all I can do for you, for now. I'm hoping to make my living space more comfortable for you soon. And... I'm sorry for the mess. I'll clean up when I get the chance."

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