Sookai- Red Flags

Start from the beginning


"Yes. Really. Your natural black hair suits you best though. I mean, it's my favorite."

"Mine too."

The rest of class was fairly boring. The usual first day rundown of the syllabus was being ignored by the couple as they texted each other. Funny memes were being traded back and forth. The teacher was annoyed but they kept doing it.

Third period ended. They walked to lunch together hand in hand. Soobin sat down at their usual table then left to grab Kai's favorite snack. Taehyun took the opportunity to sit next to him. Yeonjun joined shortly after. "Hey guys. What's up?"

Kai replied "not much. Soobin is just grabbing me an ice cream sandwich."

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Of course he is. Come on Yeonjun. He's just going to make us leave when he comes back."

Kai begged, "don't go! It'll be fine. You guys are just being dramatic."

Yeonjun awkwardly sipped his gatorade. Taehyun stayed. He missed his best friend. "You promise you won't leave if he tries to drag you away?"

Kai promised. He hoped his boyfriend would be in a good mood today.

Soobin came back to see the two surrounding his boyfriend. He stepped back for a few moments to suppress his anger. When he calmed down, he faked a smile then exclaimed "hey guys! How was classes?"

Yeonjun was annoyed when Soobin inserted himself between him and Kai. He moved over, only to avoid an argument. "It was fine. I can't wait for the next one and the last one."

"Why? Oh..." Soobin hooked his arm around Kai's waist to pull him in even closer. He was practically breathing on his boyfriend.

Taehyun asked "so Kai, when are we hanging out? I'm free tonight!"

Before Kai could answer, Soobin did for him. "He's hanging out with me tonight."

"I didn't ask you. I asked him."

All three of them turned to face Kai. He became very uncomfortable. "I'm free this weekend..."

Taehyun immediately responded "I can't wait! You can sleep over at my house!"

Yeonjun invited himself over. Taehyun was more than happy with that until Soobin insisted on coming too. Kai just listened to them argue while staring at the clock. Lunch didn't seem to end fast enough. He ran out the second the bell rung. Yeonjun chased after him since they were going to the same class. "Wait for me!"

Kai sat down then slumped in his chair. "I know what you're going to say. I need to breakup with him. I get it."

"I didn't say anything." There was an awkward silence between the two since that was exactly what Yeonjun was about to say. He decided to change the subject. "So... were you serious about wanting to try pink hair?"

"Soobin would hate it."

Yeonjun snapped. "Who cares what he says?! What do YOU want?!"

Kai very faintly mumbled "I wanna try it..."

"What was that?"

With more confidence this time, Kai stated "I want to try it."

"Let's dye it this weekend then!"

Their plan was set. Yeonjun happily texted Taehyun while Kai sulked in his chair. Soobin's opinion of his hair shouldn't matter that much to him but it did. Next period was going to be rough. He was tired of worrying about how his boyfriend would react to all of his decisions. Kai was going to officially break it off just for his own sanity.

Fifth period came. Soobin clung onto Kai at their assigned lab table. His seat was actually in the far back but he insisted on trading with the girl originally assigned to it. The teacher started going over the first day material. His only focus was on how odd his boyfriend was behaving. He whispered "what's wrong?"

"Shh. I'm trying to pay attention."

"I'll let you pay attention when you tell me what's bothering you."

Kai turned to face him as he bit his lip. "We need to break up."

"We're not breaking up."

"It isn't optional Soobin!"

"You can't break up with me! I'M breaking up with YOU!"

Kai rolled his eyes. "Sure! Fine! Whatever!"

Soobin gripped his wrist hard. "Is this because of Taehyun? Was it Yeonjun? Are you in love with him or something?! I saw the way you look at him!"

"No!" Kai balled his fists up to release some anger. Now his ex was being ridiculous. "This is because of your jealousy issues! It's over!"

Soobin began to dramatically cry. When the whole class turned to face him, he made sure to point out that it was Kai's fault. His sobs were faked to draw more attention to their situation.

Kai wanted to crawl into a hole and die. He knew he made the right decision in that instant.

The teacher dismissed Soobin for the remainder of the period. Before he left, he pointed at his ex and said "you'll never find someone better than me!"

Kai burried his embarassment in his hoodie. The next class was a study hall. He had never enjoyed silence more until then.

Seventh period. The last one of the day. Yeonjun walked in and practically yelled "hey! Heard you lost 140 pounds!"

"Oh my god you heard about that already?" Kai wanted to be ashamed word traveled that quickly but he was too happy to be.

Yeonjun couldn't help but laugh. "Everyone did. I'm so happy for you! Can I dye your hair pink now? Please?!"

"Only if Taehyun does it with me."

"Ask him! I bet he'll do it!"

Kai sent him a quick text. Taehyun was more than happy to do it. He then looked over to Yeonjun and asked "you think Soobin will be okay?"

"Who cares? Just be thankful you don't have to deal with him anymore!"

"I guess." Kai spent the rest of class texting Taehyun. Apparently he met some new guy named "Beomgyu" and developed a small crush on him. He hoped that this time his best friend would actually go for it.

When the school day ended, Kai saw Soobin sulking under the tree they used to meet at. He started to feel bad for him when he walked past.

Taehyun ran up to Kai in a panic. "Did you see what Soobin posted?! He's going viral!" He played the video that already had 5,000 views.

It contained footage of all of the gifts Soobin had bought Kai over the summer they were together. Soobin was seen crying. He looked at the camera and said "I did all of this for him and he still dumped me! Why doesn't he love me?! Nice guys finish last! Kai Kamal Huening broke my heart!" The video ended with a montage of selfies they took together.

Kai checked his social media. He was getting a massive flood of hate comments from people who didn't know the couple personally. It got so bad he closed all of his accounts.

Taehyun hugged him tightly. "I have your back. Do you want me to kick his ass? I'll kick his ass!"

"No... that will make it worse. Can I stay over at your house today?"

"Yes! Don't worry Kai. This will blow over soon! You'll see! Everyone who knew you guys knew Soobin was fucking psycho."

Kai really hoped that was true.

Soobin watched his ex and Taehyun walk away. If he couldn't have his ex in his life then he was going to destroy it no matter what the cost. He snapped pictures of them. Next, he was going to accuse Kai of cheating.

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