two boys need rest. 18

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"But you're missing a surname." I looked at Honger, who looked a little annoyed. Oh no, is he really being petty about who his brother focuses his attention on? "Yong'an's national surname is Lang. So, what do you think of the name Lang Ying?"

I looked to Lang Ying. He looked at my brother with the same odd expression.

"Xiao Ying's last words were for me to take care of you." brother explained. So that's what happened when I got there. I couldn't help her, and I couldn't at least find some closure for Lang Ying. "I basically accepted, but I want to ask for your input as well. From now on, would you like to follow me in cultivation?"

Lang Ying's eyes widened with the question. He just stared blankly at the flower sword as he continued with his words.

"My conditions aren't exactly good, but there would be no need for you to hide anymore and get beaten for stealing food. How about it?" I looked at my brother while he smiled. Not even a second later, Lang Ying's stomach growled. I saw that Honger was glaring at Lang Ying.

"It sounds like the kids are hungry." A-song commented. I looked up to her, and she was carrying a sleeping Kiyoshi. I remembered the mochi in my pocket. Before I could say a word, Honger snapped his fingers.


"Thank you, San Lang." brother thanked Honger as ghost maidens brought out this amazing meal! chicken legs, ribs, fish, dumplings, and so many other dishes. I could see Lang Ying holding back. I was sitting beside him, while A-song and Kiyoshi sat on the other side of me.

I set up bundles of mochi for everyone. A-song, Honger, and Xie Lian have had these, but Lang Ying and Kiyoshi haven't. When they both had one, they practically shoved all six mochi treats on the fabric in their mouths. I gave a little laugh. I have not met a single person who hasn't fallen in love with the mochi I make. It's the only thing I can make correctly without messing up, burning, or freezing it. brother put together a plate for Lang Ying.

"Here," the brother said to the young man before he took a gulp. "eat. it's alright."

Lang Ying took a set of chopsticks in one hand and the dish of chicken, assorted meat, and little pieces of vegetables. Lang Ying lifted the dish to his face and began to stuff his mouth full of the food. Most likely, he's hundreds of years old. Looking at him now, he looks a lot like Honger did when he was ten years old. small, dishevelled bandages over his face, specifically covering his right eye, and his hair was a knotted mess. I miss the little kid who was so attached to my brother. I remember he showed me his face when Flower Sword was out and everyone else wasn't in the hearing range. He had the most adorable face I had seen at that time. His heterochromia was just a plus to the little boy's already cute face.

"Gege, Jie Jie." I blinked back to reality after I heard Honger speak. I turned to him, and he slid a glass toward me before holding up another for Xie Lian. "Would you like a glass?"

My brother took the cup from Honger, and I brought it to my lips. A sweet smell trailed from inside the cup holding a cherry-red liquid. The liquid was a sweet cherry wine. I haven't had this wine for years. I glanced at A-song, and she was helping Kiyoshi with his food. He has shaky hands when it comes to eating or holding something.

"PFFT!" I was scared almost out of my skin by my brother spitting his wine back into the cup.

"what happened?" Honger asked as he reached for his brother as he coughed. "Is the alcohol not to your liking?"

"No, that's not it." brother coughed as Honger patted his back. Oh yeah, I forgot about brothers cultivation. He and I had the same path at one point, but that was before I turned fourteen, when I began to think about what I would do after ascending. At first, I thought just being by my older brother's side was enough, but when I thought about what I would do with him as a goddess, I didn't think of what we could do as brothers and sisters if I pretended to be what my mother and father wanted as a perfect daughter. So I gave up on the method of cultivation gradually as I created a whole new method of cultivation. brothers method forbids alcohol (except on certain occasions), hatred, and promiscuity. meaning, brother wouldn't be able to have a baby, or kids for that matter. He's probably explaining this to Honger, from what I can tell from the look Honger is giving him. I looked to A-song as my brother explained the whole forbidden hatred of cultivation.

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