will we still be together?14

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I gave her hand a squeeze. I don't know when I am going to see her after this. It kind of hurts to think about us being separated again. Applause echoed in the den.

"Even if the Lord lost, he lost perfectly! beautiful!" a ghost from behind us. I didn't need to look back. I knew they were praising my brother. I knew we had to leave A-yoong's side once we got Lang Qiang Qiu back. I'm scared. "The one that won was someone taught by the Lord step by step! So he won because the Lord taught him well."

"Today was so eye-opening! I learned the correct cup-shaking posture!" Another spoke up. I didn't notice it, but I had latched onto her hand so hard that my nails were cutting into her skin, drawing blood. When I looked down and saw that her blood was dripping into my sleeve, I released my hand. A-yoong latched on as I retracted my hand. Turning to her, she already knew I was afraid. Out of everyone from New Xianle, she was the only one to sense how terrified I was of losing her over something or because I felt so weak.

"hey!" Lang Qingqiu roared from above. I was fighting off the urge to freeze him up there, just to get a little more time with the woman beside me. I don't want to lose her again! "Since you lost, you should keep your word and let me down now!"

Honger, let the magic holding Lang Qing Qiu up vanish. a split second later, the sound of the man falling to the floor with a crash. I looked to A-yoong. She tried to reassure me with a smile, but it only made me clamp my hand on hers. I can't and won't let her go.

"Are you alright?" my brother asked as Qing Xuan most likely went to help Qing Qiu up from the ground.

"I'm fine." Qing Qiu sounded strangled as he stood. With a deep breath, I hesitantly let go and turned away with Zuko in my arms. I held him close to my chest. I felt A-yoong watch me leave. "He must have called you up there to cheat, but you luckily won. seriously, thanks!"

I felt like crying. I set Zuko down and went to Kohona to take Kiyoshi in my arms. She didn't resist. Kiyoshi clamped his arms around my shoulders. I lifted my mask and slid it over to the side of my face. I could hear gasps and whispers as I leaned my face into Kiyoshi's short hair. I could hear the jingle of Honger's shoes. I turned back and saw Honger in his true form, and my brother was making googly eyes at him. His hair was a mess, dangling across his shoulders. His eye patch was held on by two straps, one thin with some silver loops attached. The other was thick and sturdy. His robes were a mix of his red robes, which I saw him in before he left Puqi Shrine, with a coat over top lined with beast fur.

"gege." Honger greeted my older brother. "You won against me."

"Stop teasing me." brother sighed. I want to run. I could see A-yoong watching me. I want to drag her away by her arm and never bring her back. Just keep her with me forever.

"I'm not. How could I?" Ghosts began to boast and admire him for his beautiful appearance. He was adorable as a child. So it's no surprise he grew up with such a beautiful face. He showed me his face when no one was looking. He had a dark left eye that reminded me of the dark stars I watched when I would sneak out of the Xianle Palace before we ascended. His right eye reminded me of the ruby-red pearl earrings used for a specific parade my brother was leading. I looked to my brother again, and he was glancing at Honger with a blush dusting his cheek bones. i looked back to Honger, and i noticed he had earrings in. His right hand had a small red earring on his lower ear, while his left hand had a low hanging earring with metal forming a loop with points and small silver beads leading down a string, ending with a bundle of red threads in a small bundle.

"Thank you for this time," my brother said. I knew the face I was making. Qing Xuan and the others knew I was making this face. but only A-yoong knew why I was making this face. brother doesn't need to know. I shook my face and tried to look as stoic as possible.  A-yoong made this sympathetic yet still unbelieved expression. brother might think nothing of it, but it's not going to stop him from asking. I looked away and held Kiyoshi while he laid his head on my shoulder. I couldn't keep eye contact with A-yoong anymore. If I do, it won't end well. We were about to leave the den. and my heart was stiff.

"Hold on a moment."  NO! A-yoong, please, you are going to hurt me so much with this heartbreak. "The wager you bet, aren't you going to pay it?"

"Didn't he win?" I said with my voice, barely noticed as a wobble. A-yoong sent a softened gaze my way. No, no dragon baby eyes!

"When it was one-on-one, yes, but before that, he lost when trying to roll the lowest."  She said it in a calm and comforting tone. haaaaaaaaa aaahhhh! I sighed so hard that I felt my lungs vibrate.

"Brother." I turned to him while the other three were looking between A-Yoong and me. "the bun."

"Right," he said with little to no hesitation before digging through his bag to take out the half-eaten, stale bun.

"Thank you, JieJie, and Gege." Honger accepted the bun as he extended his hand to collect the bet. brother walked up to the curtains that Honger stood before. He placed the bun in Honger's hand. The fabric opened, revealing the stale piece of food.

"This is what you wanted, yes?"

"Exactly," Honger said with a shit-eating grin. "Then I'll accept the wager."

I shifted Kiyoshi in my arms. I didn't pay close attention to anything. I did notice that Zuko grew to the size of a small horse. I just wanted to go before my heart actually broke, knowing I wouldn't see A-Yoong again for a while.

"Then we'll be going now," I heard my brother say as he began to walk away.  Looking up was a mistake. I was met with A-Yoong's gaze. She wanted me to stay. She wanted me to talk with her, but I couldn't. Leaving now is hard enough as it is. So why can't I get out before I start crying? I could hear everyone fawning over Honger and asking him what was next. i was fighting the damn tears in my eyes.

"Hua ge," I could hear A-yoong say to Honger. They must be pretty close.

"We'll head to Paradise Manor now. I'm rather pleased today." Honger explained. I looked at my brother. He looked back, just as I did. Honger was tossing the bun in the air once before clutching it in his hand. He lifted the bun to his mouth as he opened his jaws. He took a bite of the bun while smiling at my brother. I looked at my brother, who blushed and turned away like a shy maiden in love.

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