"I trust him, of course. There is no questioning that. Back to the task at hand though. How much have you found about her from what you gathered." Jimin asked sitting on Yongbok's desk. He quickly pulled up every single file he had on you.

"It's not much but it confirms what we think about her. She's as innocent as they come. The only thing she has record-wise is a speeding ticket which was wiped clean. Turns out, she was following the flow of traffic and had no choice but to keep up with the car in front of her and behind her. So the judge let it go. But other than that, she lives up to her nurse status. She graduated top 10 of her class. All A's. She isn't rich but her family is well off in middle class. Her father is a manager for idols and her mother owns a small bakery. She has two siblings. Both of them moved to the States but they come here frequently to visit." Felix explained flipping through different screens on his tablet that connected to the multiple TV screens that were plastered on his wall. Jimin looked at every bit of detail closely.

"Her name is Yn. The only thing I can't seem to confirm is whether or not she's Yoongi's girlfriend or wife. It's always been hard to find much of anything concerning Yoongi so I didn't expect to find anything new." Yongbok Continued. Jimin nodded before pondering on your name a little more.

"No.no this is good. It's a good place to start. We know where she works, we've studied her hours, we know enough. Check and see when she goes back to work, we should start this as soon as we can."

Yongbok nodded. He sat his tablet on the table before sitting in his desk chair. His fingers danced against his glowing keyboard and his eyes were peering through his black locks that rested slightly over his eyes, focusing on the screens before him.

"I should have it in the next 30 minutes."

"Good. In the meantime, we should also have one of our soldiers gain some type of access to the hospital at all times for when we can't. They could keep an eye on things while we aren't able to." Jimin added as he lifted off of the male's desk and dusted his clothes off.

"I'll work on that as well. I'll have someone start today so it doesn't raise too much awareness"

Jimin hummed "Perfect. I shall return. Also," he started "see if you can look up her high school records."

Jimin headed out of the office and down the hall, nodding to the passing soldiers as they greeted him. Jimin stopped "Hey Mingi," he started "go see Yongbok, tell him you'd be perfect for the job"

Jimin didn't stick around long enough to hear what response the kid had, he didn't care if he was honest. If the kid knew what was best for him, he'd be at that door already.


Something wasn't sitting right with you after your call with Yoongi. You couldn't put your finger on it but you knew, just something wasn't right. Things are just...not adding up to you anymore. From his office having a digital lock on it, to Yoongi's unusual outburst about a random guy, and now he's drunk calling you begging you to tell him that you loved him.

You were still lost in thought, you didn't even notice Seokjin standing in front of you.

"Uh, Yn?" He called out breaking you out of your train of thought.

"O-Oh! Hey Jin! Good Morning. How'd you sleep?" You asked with a cheery voice causing Seokjin to chuckle. He wholeheartedly can see why Yoongi fell for you. He understood why Yoongi wanted to keep you desperately.

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