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You woke up to the feeling of the warm sun gently caressing your face. It was a beautiful Saturday morning in New York. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow on everything around you. You couldn't believe how long it took for Saturday to arrive. It felt like you had been waiting for an eternity! The days always seem to go much slower when you are waiting for something to happen. But finally, the day had come. You sat up stretching your arms and turning to look at your phone beside you. 10:57 am your phone read. You grabbed your phone, scrolling through the notifications to see what had happened since falling asleep.

Messages: Kalynn

Kalynn: Good morning!!

Kalynn: Sent a Picture {a picture of her holding up a peace sign next to a very sleepy Jade}

You smiled at your phone, deciding to send a pic back

You: Sent a Picture {a picture of you with the covers pulled up looking tired}

You: Good morning Kalynn

You sat in bed for a while watching YouTube and just chatting with some friends. It was 11:30 when you finally rolled out of bed and got up. You were meeting Kalynn at a bus stop near your house at around 3:40 so that you guys could get the bus downtown for the exhibition at 4. You had a long time till you needed to leave so you decided to spend a little more time just chilling before getting ready.

It was around 2 p.m. when you decided to start getting ready. You wanted to spend time on yourself today as you were seeing Kalynn. You got into the shower, actually putting effort in this time. You washed yourself with one of your more expensive body washes and you made sure to shave your legs. Considering the weather was so nice you had thought about maybe wearing some shorts or even a skirt. You quickly got out of the shower, drying yourself off and not forgetting deodorant or lotion. You went into your bedroom to begin browsing all your clothes. Pulling out countless outfit options, leaving a big mess. 

'Fuck' you said 'What should I even wear'

You decided to call Lydia in this moment of panic.

'Hello' she answered after a couple of rings

'Lyd thank God your awake, IDK WHAT TO WEAR FOR ME AND KALYNN'S DATE'

'Calm down girl, where are you going again?'

'To an art exhibition'

'Okay so cute but casual, what are our options?'

'Ok so' you began to explain 'It's a pretty sunny day in New York so I was thinking either this cute denim mini skirt or these jorts? paired with I don't know what'

'I say wear the jorts, The skirt is casual for some people but at the same time it can come off as dressy plus the jorts are more comfortable'

'Okay, do you think I should pair it with like a t-shirt or?' you asked. You had a good fashion sense yourself you won't lie but you were terrible at making decisions sometimes. Lydia was always helpful and helped you pick from your options.

'I think maybe a baby tee or a tank top will work best'

'Right I'm thinking this tank top' You pulled out a cute white tank with some lettering on the front

'Adorable' she exclaimed 'And what shoes?'

'Probably just some sneakers or my docs'

'Sneakers for sure'

'Thank you so much Lyd you will forever be my lifesaver, ok I gotta go get ready now I'll text you later!'

'Bye y/n'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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