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You had been working at Davey's, An ice cream shop in Brooklyn for about 6 months now. It was an ok job to be honest and you didn't mind working there, the job was pretty chill and you needed a part-time job to help pay your expenses as a college student.

One evening shift you noticed a boy and a girl walk into the shop, they seemed to be in their late teens or early twenties. You didn't take too much notice of the boy, He was quite slim with light brown hair and brown eyes, but what got your attention was the girl, standing a few feet away from you peering into the ice cream freezer. She had gorgeous brown hair that was slightly wavy and fell just past her shoulders and her eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful and brown, they were almost glistening under the artificial lights of the small New York ice cream shop. You tried to keep it cool but your heart was trying to leap out of your chest. She had a cute outfit on as well, A little white laced tank top and some mom jeans. She was perfect, at least in your eyes.'

'Hi can I just get one cookies and cream and then uhh-, what did you want again Weston' she said

'Biscoff ice cream with some Oreo crumble please' the boy next to her said grinning.

'Yep, that'll be $8 please!'

You got to work on their orders whilst they stood around waiting. They seemed to be filming a video or something? Maybe they were YouTubers you thought. They did kind of look familiar, not anyone you watched but maybe a channel your friends had shown you?

'Here you are'

'Thank you so much, have a nice day' she exclaimed

Wow, she seems so nice.

'You too!'

The rest of your shift was the same old same old. It got a lot quieter as the night went on leaving you with more time to think, Think about her. You didn't know her name, only her face. It sounded like she called the boy with her Weston?? or something but that wasn't helpful. It was her you wanted not him.

It was 10pm when you finally left work. Closing was pretty quick considering it was a weekday, No one really gets ice cream late on a weekday. You plugged your headphones in and started on your walk home. You hated to admit it but that girl is all you were thinking about. You were eager to know more, What was her name? Who even is she? It had been a while since you felt this way. Your last relationship was pretty toxic. Your ex was some fucking narcissist who loved to control you and your life. You were constantly arguing, the screams always echoing throughout your small New york apartment. You reminisce to the start of your relationship where you had this same giddy feeling that you are starting to feel with the ice cream shop girl. Everything seemed perfect, you and your ex were so cute and loving at the start but it all changed. Your glad that you managed to end that relationship and start to heal although your ex does try and get back with you way too often.

Unlocking the front door and kicking your shoes off, you throw yourself onto your bed. Reaching for your sketchbook and pencil which are never parked too far away from you. You began to draw her. Art had always been an escape for you, something you could never not love no matter how much it frustrated you. You sketched away, listening to the busy sounds of the city coming from your slightly ajar window. Although you felt kind of cringe drawing a girl you had met once and barely spoken to, you felt eager to capture her beauty and most importantly you didnt want to forget her.

A/N: hey guys lol not sure if i really love this first chapter so i hope it is ok!! Also this is like my first proper time writing a ff so bare with me.

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